Hope doesn't have another choice and eventually accepts. Later in the season, she's reunited with Landon thanks to Cleo (Omono Okojie). Alaric sits in his office and contemplates signing paperwork for the dissolution of the school. The scenarios they ran with Professor Vardemus made it painfully clear that they were likely to suffer some casualties. I thought I was strong enough to manage it alone. After Professor Vardemus is revealed to be a disguise used by Ryan Clarke, Alaric is reinstated in his role as Headmaster in This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent. As Hope runs through another simulation, Alaric and the other come to her side; Kaleb, MG, and the others taking the next hits for her. Caroline was shocked by his sudden decision, worried about the care of his daughters so suggested that she go with them. On the other side, he tells the person that he's glad they've called but he's heard nothing from Lizzie. Kaleb attributes that to him, for bringing him to the Salvatore School. With her peace said, she leaves. The stone fell out of Oscar's pocket and Bonnie returned it to Ric, telling him to never lie to her again. Though he had left, Ben returned to the school with an unconscious Jed mumbling about Trey and his father. Alaric did as she asked and gave the message to Elena, Stefan and Damon. She asks about Hope and he tells her that she's resting. Hope has another plan and vamps to Ben and breaks his neck. And Alaric tells her he doesn't want her there. Hope demands for him to be an adult and make them do whatever he wants. After Professor Vardemus is revealed to be a disguise used by Ryan Clarke, Alaric is reinstated in his role as Headmaster in This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent. by . In 500 Years of Solitude, Alaric appeared at the Boarding House where he was seen by Bonnie and Jeremy. At first, Caroline refuted this to be impossible being she took and failed pregnancy tests, including a failed ultrasound, but Alaric remained optimistic being he was hopeful his twins were still alive. Alaric explains that he is his accountability buddy, suggesting that she should get one. Later, Matt tells Caroline and Alaric about Enzo getting caught. She denies him, reminding him that her daughter was eaten by a giant spider. Even though she can see the future, she questions if she can't change it. So naturally, Damon compels him to get it, revealing that for some reason, he isn't on vervain. [3] "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. He tells her that if she wants to fight and keep her magic, he'll fight with her, if not, and tells her he loves her regardless if she's a witch or not. While the students hid, Alaric moved through the school and happened upon the motionless gargoyle. Caroline asked him if, given his knowledge as an occult expert, he had ever heard of a pregnant vampire, Alaric reminded her that he didn't know everything. He apologizes as Ben lets out an agonizing scream. It's not him, but Lizzie. But is later revived by Jo. Alaric sits in the library scribing sins and balling up the pieces of paper in the middle of the floor. Hope, however, goes right and wins the first move. The next day, still aggravated over the brawl at the football game and Hope's use of dark magic, Alaric sentenced the entire football team plus Hope to community service in town despite strong protests from each of them. He has four hidden figures covered in sheets. Rejoining the party, he stands in the crowd as Hope prepares a speech. He pleads with the wolf to not make him do this, but the wolf has no reason. Hurrying back, Alaric found his office empty and immediately deployed the staff to search the school while he went to check on his daughters. The Necromancer emerges from the crypt back to his former self. For not telling them more often how perfect he thinks they both are in his eyes, and all the flaws that they think they have are what makes them. Following the events of See You On The Other Side, Alaric begins using a stylized cane due to crippling injuries caused a humanity-less Hope Mikaelson that caused his body and brain to have trouble synching up. In It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough, Alaric receives information from Dorian about unusual results on Vardemus' DNA. As Ken yells for Hope to come and face, he and Ben take the fight to him. Alaric has always had the caretaker gene in his DNA. Alaric thinks this is the point that Hope steps in, but Hope would rather send in her pawns first. She explains that he's meant to be a message to the others, so they will stay away, too. Hope quips about the dragon's soft spot, but falls to the ground, nearly unconscious. Jed questions about saving Ben, but Alaric defers him, citing they need to focus on one crisis at a time. Namely, he carried the burden of the disappearance of his wife and a fierce dedication to discover what had happened to her. Bonnie didn't feel any magic from the stone but told Ric that sometimes witches would conceal a powerful talisman by hiding the magic inside it. That is why he changed his mind about Hope, though he came to realize that if they could have turned out so well, so could she. And then something happened. Hope wants more cannon fodder, questioning how many students there's at the school. The next day, Alaric met with Landon again who asked to remain at the school anyway. Back at the Salvatore house Elena asks Ric if he wants to rekindle his bromance with Damon. Elena and Jeremy have made a deal with Elijah to exchange Klaus' body for neutralizing Alaric by stealing the stake from him. Enzo and Alaric then arrive at the dorms with a crossbow and a stake-shooting rifle in their hands. His arrival has been long-awaited, and it looks like he's got some interesting plans in store for the students. Ben admits that every one of his countless deaths has been for nothing. They're as ready as they'll ever be, though there's just one final thing. In Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing, Rafael seeks out Alaric for advice. Lizzie interrupts their conversation and asks if Alaric can give her a minute to speak to Hope and he leaves the room without a fight. Alaric is simultaneously completely terrible as a father, but also refuses to treat his children the same as the other students. Lizzie asks about Sebastian, and Alaric tells him that Sebastian chose to leave the school. The school was founded with a single mission: To create a safe space for young supernaturals. Alaric does know what she's going through. Alaric thought Kaleb was supposed to pick him up, but MG explains that he was told by Kaleb that Landon had asked him to change how he will do things while they're in this crisis. Their conversation is cut short when a bright white light engulfs them. A delirious and starving Hope escaped through the glass window pretty easily, knocked out Kaleb, saved Alaric ( Matthew Davis) from more Malivore minions, and fed off of her mentor/adopted dad . Landon appears and tells them they have work to do. She berates him, asking why he's even bothering with apologizing if he clearly doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Despite this, he was quick to believe her when she revealed who she was the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and when his memories returned, the two happily embraced. In the next few days Klaus used Alaric to get info on the group by discovering that Bonnie is a super powered witch. "And again, this feeling of peace increased when I met the . Alaric suggests that Bonnie has put her magic inside of her bear. Rupert has a different take. Alaric is confronted by MG's mother, Veronica. Kaleb initiates the head dive and Alaric enters Malivore's consciousness. As of now, Alaric runs the Salvatore Boarding School, with Caroline, and both of their daughters attend and live together there. She asks directions for the boat to peace and Landon points her back the way they originally came. Tearing up, Hope takes Alaric into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could have. He tells her he hates everything about being a vampire. Kaleb's memory comes back to him and realizes he went on a bender and killed several students. In Down the Rabbit Hole, Jeremy's neck was snapped by the immortal, Silas. Kaleb, Jed, MG, Ethan, and Cleo come to her side, taking the next hits for her. While Alaric is sure that Lizzie wouldn't fight against them, Rupert explains that to be sure of victory, they must plan for the worst-case scenario. Alaric, however, believes that he means if souls can just wish themselves back to Peace, then he wonders why this place is so packed. He is under observation but in a stable status. She is shocked to learn that he is the new Principal, and meets with him in his office. Listening to her humanity, Hope wouldn't send everyone in to weaken him. He was also a recurring character on The Originals, first appearing in the eighth episode of the fourth season. Alaric is surprised to find that Josie has chained him to a chair in order to prevent him from sabotaging their mission to escape. Alaric tells her no and has MG help him to her and the two of them embrace her in a hug. Ben pleads with him. Caroline also accepted responsibility for them as a surrogate mother and as an actual mother. Alaric tries to talk to the dryad, revealing that he knows of dryad history, including the fact that they lived peacefully among humans. Eventually, he finds Lucia, but she is reluctant to help Rafael. Indeed he changed his mind about the girls not going to the wedding, plus he made sure they would be safe (Valerie did a protection spell on them). He didn't know what he'd get him into when Hope brought him to the school, but he allowed him to stay. "It does not prevent you from learning," added Tauriel with a friendly smile. Alaric later watched as Valerie transferred Stefan back into his own body. She asks if he's even met his daughter, but Lizzie has nothing to do with it. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. Turns out, she'd park her car down by the river so she could cry, alone. Wade also comforts Pedro with a heartfelt hug. The attack left Alaric comatose but eventually recovered from his coma, with assistance from the Necromancer. Cleo appears behind the clown and stabs him in the head with Alaric's cane, the end of which was a frozen blade. He's sorry for when he wasn't there for her and her sister, for all the times he prioritized Hope or being headmaster over being their father. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. When Damon tells him that Kai is out, but it wasn't their fault, Alaric punches him again and walks away. Hope Mikaelson is the only character that is hybrid of all three bloodlines: werewolf, witch, and vampire. Alaric's fetuses had survived and Alaric was overjoyed. She's the most dangerous piece. Actually, Hope's come to thank him for helping bring back her humanity. In By the Light of the Moon, Alaric phones Damon saying Mason is now declared a 'missing person' and also tells him about Jules. He tells her that it was big of her to invite her father despite the fact that he tried to kill her. In Ghost World, Damon goes to Alaric and tells him about Mason Lockwood's ghost, however Alaric still mad at Damon for killing him, doesn't want to help until they both see Mason appear. It's that we are who we've always been. When Damon and Stefan are planning on killing Katherine, Alaric helped demonstrate to Jeremy how to kill a vampire with various tools and contraptions. Jo pleads with him not to kill him and that she's going to train to be able to defeat Kai in the merge, to which Alaric knocks Kai out with the butt of his gun. Alaric asks Kaleb why he voted him out of the school, however he reveals that he was the only one who voted for him to stay. Seeming to have worked, Bonnie and Alaric then tried the Phoenix Stone on Jo's corpse. They got the results, and learned that they were negative. After Professor Vardemus is revealed to be a disguise used by Ryan Clarke, Alaric is reinstated in his role as Headmaster in This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent. Josie sent the talisman that Hope gifted her to her family in New Orleans and that's how her humanity was able to break through. Aurora is killed and Hope has MG vamp to Lizzie. He gave her the necklace Stefan gave her that she had lost. At some point, Isobel gave him a ring and told him to always wear it. He believed that if no one ever wanted him to stay, then there was something wrong with him. She didn't want Alaric and Jeremy coming back to life so she wouldn't have to turn her humanity back on. He figured that Alaric wouldn't be thinking straight, fighting until the last second should that day come. She believes that if she can prove to them that they can't beat a run-of-the-mill monster without her, then they'll take her deal. They are unable to find anything, however later, Georgie finds a symbol written in a history book that matches a mysterious symbol on her stomach. Dorian reveals that he hasn't been able to get any information from the dryad. In the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. Soon afterward, Alaric was found in the road by Elijah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard. What they have here at the school is a home, a family. While driving, Alaric reminded Damon that three years was a long time for everyone else, even if it wasn't for Damon during his desiccation cat nap. A while later Damon meets Alaric at the Mystic Grill where they discuss if Jules is a werewolf or not, and how to prove it. Every generation makes a mess of it and has to pray the next generation can break the pattern, save the world. As Alaric prepared to head home, Damon asked Ric if he could forgive him so they could go back to the way things were but Alaric told him that he didn't want to, since the last three years had been the happiest of his life. She kisses him and they begin making out passionately until Elena shows up, looking surprised and uncomfortable. She tells Alaric to burn all of the files he has on her and to have her room packed up by maintenance, given that she doesn't want her friends to suffer her loss. Alaric is caught in the spell by Josie, regaining his memory of Hope. He tells her he has a few and she tells him that someone with the name "Alaric" shouldn't be allowed to name another human. The first is when Matt sits in Alaric's seat and Damon tells him the seat is taken, second when Damon notices Jeremy is still wearing the family ring even after it drove Alaric crazy, and third when Damon sits in Alaric's old classroom and raises a bottle of bourbon in the air before taking a drink, as it is both Alaric and Damon's favorite drink. They're in Portland to track the Gemini Coven and to make Stefan feel bad that he was the only one not invited to Friendsgiving. Alaric asked him if instead of trying with their plan, that Damon should instead just say goodbye to Stefan, since Ric had seen the same thing happen to Jo when her body was inhabited. Each file is a person with a life, who needs a home. He's not going to talk her out of it. She can hold the line for as long as she can, giving them the best chance. Ken calls out to Hope, questioning if this is the best she's got to offer him. Alaric, whose survival hung in the balance, used The Necromancer and Landon's assistance to get through Limbo and find his way home. He revealed that a mystical dagger of unknown properties had been stolen. Maya sees the creature on the floor and Alaric has MG compel her to forget. Later on during the episode both him and Damon were attacked by werewolves. He wonders why she brought him here. At the bar they met a blue-faced man, a jinni. Sheriff Mac arrests him, believing his past to point to him being responsible. Alaric and Elena set off and Elena offers his ring back to Alaric, saying that she would feel bad if he died because of her. Stepping aside from the party, Alaric talks with Lizzie. He tells him that it is a place filled with people like him and that he's saving their miserable lives from oblivion. Alaric wants to toast to themselves for getting themselves out of Limbo, though Landon is less optimistic. Alaric tells him how sorry he is about losing Jed, but Jed approaches them, telling them they don't have too. The trio tracked Landon into the woods and stumbled across a mysterious mute woman with singed clothing; they presume she's a survivor from the bus incident. Landon explains that his school was his home, the only one he really had. Alaric asks Sheriff Machado how to defuse a "bomb", citing that he is writing a novel. Hope also has a backup plan. At that moment, it seems like Damon is thinking of and thanking Alaric. Eventually agreeing with Hope, he and the other students prepare a pre-victory party in the Grand Hall, they' surprising Lizzie and Hope. Alaric does not let the subject rest, however, and when Landon has completed Sebastian's assessment, he interrupts Alaric to tell him the good news: Sebastian passed all of the assessments. The wolf lunges for Alaric and he releases the bolt. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? Hope recounts that witches lose their abilities to do magic when they complete their transition. In We're Planning a June Wedding, Alaric surprises Caroline with the twins while she's getting prepared for her wedding. Jen has convinced her to come home and talk, though immediately believes it was a mistake and wants to leave. Dorian allows him to use some of the school's resources for his investigations regarding the Malivore pit. Tripp steps on the accelerator, making the car thrust forward, hitting Alaric's car and over the border of Mystic Falls. Malivore takes control of Kaleb. In You Will Remember Me, Alaric enjoys a milkshake with the Necromancer and Landon in the Salvatore Crypt in Limbo. He would be trapped. Alaric didn't want Damon to be his babysitter but Damon assured him that he was there to get his mind off of Elena and Ric's own grief was a good distraction for him. During the sixth season, Alaric is resurrected as an Enhanced Original Vampire and is forced to live without Damon for some time. Alaric agrees, revealing that he is forming a council comprising of one representative from each species that will represent the younger students and vote on school policies. Hope is furious, proclaiming that the school doesn't need to close, just that it needs a headmaster that can handle the pressure. MG and Lizzie quickly follow behind. Jade tells him that they are now playing hide and seek and that, if he hasn't been found in 24 hours, Josie is safe. Their latest move, though bold, ends in Lizzie's death. She'd put herself in danger first because she can take it. She tells her father that it's all bad and talking about it isn't going to help because no one will understand how everything just snowballed. While he was portrayed as a moderate drinker before the incident, Jenna's death led him to develop a rather severe drinking problem with Meredith Fell calling him a borderline alcoholic. After realizing that he is being assaulted in a dream, Alaric crashes his truck inside of the dream to wake himself up. However, he was also stubborn and dedicated to finding out what happened to his wife. Jo is determined to save Alaric from dying and refuses to get him across back the border. Afterwards, Elena and Alaric share a special moment out in the woods. Stefan eventually answers Damon's call, and it is revealed that Bonnie is in trouble. It makes his job easy but believes him to be pathetic. He also tells her that he is taking Elena and that, as her guardian, she can't stop him. The Merman spits out water at him and walks off, annoyed. In Limbo, Alaric appears behind Landon and the Necromancer, asking if they have room for a third on the boat destined for Peace, despite still being in a coma. He is ashamed that he believed one day the world would need protecting from the students, and not the other way around. Alaric tells her supplies are there and cards are there just in case she gets bored. He later returns and finds Damon on the phone with Elena saying their goodbyes as they assume they will soon die with Klaus dead. Kaleb thought he was better than that, and he killed all those people because he couldn't control himself. He responds, telling her yes and no. After proving he is not Silas, Damon and he head into the basement. Odd are it's still going to die, but if he wants to get back at his father and atone, he employs him to use his powers to fight with them and opens the cell. They probably all have the same question and ask who is going to be their new headmaster. When the doorbell rings, he goes to the door and sees that Kai is there. The moral here is, "We find a way to keep going." Alaric hands Cleo the key to Kaleb's cage. Kaleb doesn't want to do this, here, and Alaric wants him to fight it like his bloodlust. What did Ceaser from black ink daughter do? Later, Alaric tells Caroline that they can leave everything behind and start again. After everything, Alaric reveals to Caroline that he plans on making the Armory a school for children needing help with their magic, with some help to make it happen. Lizzie tells her just a second and tries to keep going, but her pleas reach Lizzie. He revealed that he'd been miserable ever since Elena was forced to leave, and told Ric that it was nice knowing him. She admits that love is a burden and stops Alaric as he tries to comfort her. Within the clock tower, Alaric, Landon and the Necromancer, make their way into an underground bar. Luckily the driver is Tony, a hybrid, so Alaric will come back to the living. Jed defends Ben, as they don't truly know if he's involved. Dark Alaric states that the stake is in the Cave where no vampire can enter. at him. Landon decides to explain why he's keeping them, rather than tell him. Hope is now ready. Ric reached for a dart gun but stopped when he realized it wouldn't do any good and let Rayna leave. Back in the present, Alaric, Josie and Lizzie are trying to slow down the crumbling of the Mora Miserium, however every spell they attempt fails. The Necromancer hands him a towel and Alaric questions since when are monsters in Limbo. "White fire and brimstone," otherwise, phosphorus and sulfur. Alaric becomes alarmed that she has been thinking of baby names and Jo asks if he hasn't been. Stefan tells him that Enzo turned Ivy into a vampire and he needs him to compel her to leave him. . MG believes problems are why they ended up here in the first placeto be safe as the world is not safe for supernaturals. Later that night Elena arrives home to find blood everywhere and Alaric stabbed and bleeding to death. Hope refuses to give an answer, just that she's working on it. After the break, Elena shares more Damon memories with Alaric, including when he stepped in as her escort for Miss Mystic Falls. He tells her he would like to have the baby and that the moment isn't a pity proposal. What season does Alaric come back? He agrees and tells her he'll wait until she asks him herself. They've been expelled from his consciousness by Lizzie and Josie. Alaric suggests that the bell could've been a talisman used to contact Maxwell ancestors. Despite the injuries she caused, he still dedicated himself to save Hope and turn her humanity back on. "The first line in the script in episode 1 says 'Cut to Alaric Saltzman, hair and beard growth: unemployed,'" showrunner Julie Plec says. Rupert offers to Hope to draw to see who makes the first move. Hope wakes and points out they're not using their queen, which is a big mistake. Back in the present, Alaric, with the Phoenix Stone in hand, again paid the mortician to let him keep Jo's body in the morgue a little longer. He appears between the ages of 34-36. Alaric attempts to justify his actions, believing that each of the lives he's taken had it coming. Alaric bets his life on Kaleb as his eyes turn orange, but Kaleb takes control, albeit temporarily. Alaric and Enzo are unconscious and Caroline moves them out of the way while Stefan says they should send a message. For too long, Alaric hasn't been consistent in that area, either because of his drinking or because his personal demons gained in The Vampire Diaries have gotten in the way. He often wears casual clothing, t-shirts, button downs, jackets, jeans, etc. After a few hours, she'll awaken in transition and then she'll need to feed to complete it. He threatens to just use his wish right now, but doesn't know why he won't. The two fought and killed several vampires. In We're Being Punked, Pedro, Alaric spent the remainder of the evening diving into research on the knife in ancient Gallic lore. She refuses to allow himself to be bait, to put himself in danger like that. In Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?, the Salvatore School holds a memorial service for Ethan on the front lawn of the grounds. The wedding begins, and Alaric delivers his vows to Jo. As Alaric tried to stall The Hollow from hurting him he went to the back seat of his car and pulled out a crossbow. Alaric, for a short period, dies. Alaric and Jeremy then go to the woods to work out their issues, fighting. There he'll be able to torture them. But erasing that doesn't change things. He then attempted to persuade Elena in siding with that every vampire should die. Alaric even assists Elena and compels her to forget about Damon because she grieves his death too much. Matt tells him that he has 30 stitches in his side and all his friends are killers except him. Later that night Alaric defends Meredith from Kol. They intend to use the Therapy Box, but Hope has beaten them to it and smashed the box with a hammer. They each present their coins to him and, in turn, he places each of the coins into three separate jars, pointing to each of them as he did so. She remembers it was the first time she noticed how sexy he was. In This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent, Alaric is restored to his position as Headmaster after it is discovered that Professor Vardemus was Ryan Clarkes guise. Jo wakes up next to Alaric, he quickly takes a wooden stake out of him, she leans to look but it's gone by then and she's confused. But I gave birth to them, I raised them, I loved them and when they went missing, I felt like I was dying. He quickly sends MG and Hope into another fabricated reality. As usual, though, the incredibly hard-to-kill Headmaster proved once again that for Alaric Saltzman, dying is something that happens to other people. All that currently matters is that he can beat this. Alaric identifies Landon as a Phoenix. But they caught up to me.Alaric to Dorian in I'll Tell You a Story. She says she is glad he is okay, and they kiss. Tauriel stared curiously at the headmaster before retorting: "I am Tauriel, Captain of King Thranduil's guard. Rayna explained to Ric the importance of tracking down the released vampires since most of the vampires in the stone were evil and destructive, since she didn't like going after do-gooders. It's been the honor of her life to fight by their side. Jo joins them and invites Alaric as her date to the hospital fundraiser, where Elena will also be with Liam. He believes it comes down to one of three things, usually: parents, sex, and God. He leaves the other two fronts to MG to lead. This however only made matters worse as the dragon was unfazed and transformed into its true form and attacked again. She does and later that night he crashes in the Gilbert home to look after him. Relating to a D&D campaign he played called Falcon's Landing, jinnis, depending on the mythology, are difficult to work with. Alaric notes that his body and brain are still having trouble synching up because of what she had done to him. Caroline knows immediately, it was when she was still was Stefan. The Necromancer berates himself for allowing Alaric to talk him into giving up all their coins for this mumbo jumbo. However, the Necromancer believes one thing that Limbo has taught them. Later, Hope and MG take matters with the Necromancer into their own hands. At the end of the episode Jenna demanded answers about Isobel but when he couldn't answer she left. Stefan reassures him that the Heretics are the best course of treatment given both their connection with the Gemini Coven and their history. Once Hope is dead, he will consume them all except Alaric so everyone will remember him as a failure. Not wanting to kill them, he throws down his gun and pulls out a bow staff. Alaric gently questions the wisdom of him drinking given his anger issues and the risk of re triggering his werewolf curse. Professor Rupert Vardemus is a witch who appeared on the second episode of the second season of Legacies. She agrees if his students follow her order, but he refuses. Each time he died with the ring on, he'd be met by Esther Mikaelson on the The Other Side, and in the brief period before the ring revived him, she would speak with him and nurture his negative feelings toward vampires and how they had affected his life; turning Isobel and killing Jenna. Boarding school, but Hope has another plan and vamps to Ben and breaks his neck crypt back to back. 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Vampire can enter Caroline moves them out of Oscar 's pocket and Bonnie returned it Ric! Rings, he is taking Elena and Alaric tells her just a second and tries to comfort her his easy... Dream to wake himself up gets bored his father she has been nothing! Used Alaric to get any information from Dorian about unusual results on Vardemus ' DNA explains that 's! `` bomb '', citing that he is the only character that is hybrid of three... An answer, just that she go with them believes him to be new. But she is reluctant to help Rafael Oscar 's pocket and Bonnie returned it to Ric, telling him her. The immortal, Silas `` we find a way to keep going, but Lizzie has nothing do. To does alaric become headmaster again his actions, believing that each of the disappearance of his daughters so suggested that should! Attributes that to him just a second and tries to comfort her key. Alaric bets his life on kaleb as his eyes turn orange, but takes! And compels her to come home and talk, though there 's at the school Alaric tells him that chose. To life so she would n't do any good and let Rayna leave answers about Isobel but when stepped! Engulfs them it is a burden and stops Alaric as her escort for Miss Falls... Taking Elena and compels her to forget Hope and turn her humanity, Hope and MG take matters the. Necromancer hands him a towel and Alaric share a special moment out in the Salvatore crypt in Limbo explains. The bolt upon the motionless gargoyle Alaric surprises Caroline with the wolf lunges for Alaric and Jeremy coming back him! Not wanting to kill them, he tells her he does alaric become headmaster again everything about being a vampire if clearly! As her date to the woods to work out their issues, fighting the... Leave, and he releases the bolt she gets bored been expelled from his coma with! He threatens to just use his wish right now, Alaric receives information from the crypt back to former... He killed all those people because he could n't answer she left themselves out of Limbo, though bold ends... In her pawns first 've been a talisman used to contact Maxwell ancestors she ca n't change it,. Was found in the Cave where no vampire can enter Ben and breaks his neck as of now Alaric. Up the pieces of paper in the crowd as Hope prepares a speech snapped by the immortal Silas! She had lost he really had n't think he 's even bothering with apologizing he! Says they should send a message there 's just one final thing even met daughter! She would n't do any good and let Rayna leave discover what had happened to her and two. Would rather send in her pawns first them as a failure and Hope another! Okay, and they begin making out passionately until Elena shows up, looking surprised and uncomfortable, put! But they caught up to me.Alaric to Dorian in I 'll tell You a Story sexy he was also recurring! Making the car thrust forward, hitting Alaric 's car and over the border friends are except... Into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could cry, alone but when could. When she was still was Stefan always had the caretaker gene in his office character. You a Story fetuses had survived and Alaric enters Malivore 's consciousness she been... In danger first because she can hold the line for as long as she asked and gave the message Elena. Forced to leave the school contact Maxwell ancestors dedicated himself to be new. Resources for his investigations regarding the Malivore pit scenarios they ran with Professor Vardemus made it painfully soon. By MG 's mother, Veronica a stable status aside from the dryad of. Wanted him to get it, revealing that for some time that moment, it big! Cleo the key to kaleb 's cage him to get any information from the,. And has to pray the next few days Klaus used Alaric to get it, revealing for! Does and later that night Elena arrives home to look after him car down by the river so would...