Al Bielek, an elsuive figure thought to have been born in 1927, passed away in 2011, claiming he spent two periods of time living in the future. February: The biggest and longest-lasting snowstorm hit the midwest. However, not everyone was convinced by Noahs class and supposed artefacts from the not-too-distant future. (LogOut/ Much of the Yucatan Peninsula will be lost to the rising waters. He claims that the technological prowess of the United States is far more advanced than one might imagine due to the profoundly unusual sources that the country has to extract, including extraterrestrial beings. Will it change? More info. Economists . According to reports, Al Bieleks duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. And what about cataclysmic earthquakes causing a planetary shift and coastal flooding? Al Bielek was born in 1927. However, Al Bielek further travelled to the year 2,749, by unknown means. Noah then revealed a list of future events and predictions he believed would validate his unusual time travel claims. Comment. The Granny Ripper: Tamara Samsonova, a wicked Russian serial killer who cannibalized atleast 14 people! Higher elevations will be created as new islands. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. THE LIFE OF ED CAMERON. As the Pacific Plate shifts its position nine degrees, the islands of Japan will eventually sink, leaving only a few small islands. Life on Earth was ruled not by people, but by a computer system. A MAN who claims he's from the year 2030 reportedly passed a lie detector test - and made a series of startling predictions for humanity. Europe will experience the fastest and most serious Earth changes. . Change). The interest in cattle, dairy and agricultural farms are all proving tempting for self-sustained survival. Robert Gadling commented on the YouTube video: Thoseare not bookpages. The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth: Directed by Bill Knell. Al Bielek says that when he worked as a contractor, he himself was in charge of the operations of the Mind Control program, which he said was used against members of the US military. (Al Bielek) As his memories were reappearing, Bielek claimed to have recalled that his birth name was Edward Cameron and that in the Montauk Project had worked with his brother Duncan Cameron, a young man with psychic abilities, when they were in . This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Our lives are in a constant state of flux, the political situation aside, our earth is rapidly changing. It's time for my best guesses for next year: 2022 is a year to go big and bold, because a boom is coming . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. New land will also be created off the coast. Coronavirus source: Did COVID-19 really originate in a Wuhan market? only the creator knows the future , thanks, I feel all the area of USA is going to be under water because of the heavy karma including satanic worship and all the invasion to other countries. An individual who claims to have survived thePhiladelphia experiment discussed openly about the various programmes for time travel as well as the future that awaits our civilization. The alleged time traveller, who supposedly calls himself & But no water, we never hit it, we kept falling and falling for quite a period of time," he said, in a lecture. He says that to do so, he would work in his daily work in California before taking a trip in a high-powered clandestine train from Los Angeles to Montauk to start working on his other job. Boy who predicted 2020 world reveals what he got right 2 January 2020 Courtesy Mitch Brogan Mitch Brogan says opening the letter was like getting an email from yourself In August 1991, an. With Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols. Officials continue lying about East Palestine Chemical Spill, Claiming No Risks toHealth, Inside Job: East Palestine Rolled Out Digital IDs, CDC Changed Toxicity Data Days Before Train Derailment, The Hidden Cryptic Messages on the Cover of The Economist 2019. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, while jumping off the Navy shipEldridgeon August 12, 1943, the experiment went out of control, and they mistakenly landed in 2137. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2020 - 2025* * * * * NOTICE! Al Bielek, who was born in 1927, made a name for himself in some of the strangest and most controversial areas of the US Army. READ MORE:Brazil's World Cup chances 'ruined by time traveller' who 'changed the outcome'. Gordon-Michael Scallion was a futurist, teacher of consciousness studies and metaphysics and a spiritual visionary. Al Bielek discusses all of what he remembers from 6 weeks he spent in the year 2137 and two years he spent in 1749., The story behind this man is beyond fascinating and many have claimed the accounts Bielek has spoken about are already happening or will occur in the near future. He seems to put democratic populated areas in the blue . Many people remain skeptical about Als statements and the entire secrecy behind the Montauk Project believes firmly sustain that it is only a matter of time before classified documents become available to the general public proving the existence of the so-called Montauk Project and the controversial Philadelphia Experiment. That's right, Al Bielek wasn't Al Bielek at all - or at least, that's what his big epiphany revealed to him. The Billy Meier UFO Contacts The key to our future survival. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Destruction of the WTC in New York City in 2001, Death of Osama bin Laden by a secret unit, Creation of the EU dictatorship and the Euro currency, Provocation of war by the US, EU and NATO against Russia, Formation of radical terrorist groups created by US USA secret services, Flood of illegal immigrants into Europe instigated by Angela Merkel, Election, and subsequent failings, of Baraka Obama, Italian earthquakes preceding multi-volcanic eruptions, Eruptions of EIfel Fields in Germany and Yellowstone in the US, Melting of the glaciers in Arctic and Antarctica, Spread of fake news through the public media, Polar shift and increasing desertification. But which one are we in? Interestingly, many people who have taken the time to listen to him have stated that his predictions have started occurring on Earth. Taiwan and most of Korea will be completely lost to the sea. Required fields are marked *. He was extraordinary because he was atime traveller Al Bielek. According to Bielek, not only did he travel to the future, he managed to come back and tell the story of everything he had encountered. Theres pollution in the air which is causing the climate to change. Among less earth-shattering predictions, they also claim that in 2022 the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers will defeat the Brooklyn Nets in game seven. When he was only 16, he joined the US Navy to fight in the Second World War, which is when he claimed he first travelled. This, however, doesn't feel fear-based, but more of a vibration to be conservative with money and buying of. Ed went to Princeton in 1932 and finished . Sadra Sahebzadeh. So now, like the billionaires that control the world, you can decide where you want to have a small parcel of land for the post-apocalypse. November: Yolanda Renee King was elected as President of the United States at just 20 years old. It just needs to stop.. Somewhere in what we know today as Nebraska. It was an alleged Naval Military Experiment, during the year1943. But the most compelling argument is that an asteroid or comet collision with earth could cause the entire planet to shift. In 2012 very very lot of people had special feelings of end of the world, dreams about enormous demonic invasions (fallen angels, imps, succubs, ghouls and many more), dreams about WW3, moon destruction, illuminatis and NWO, strange sounds and flashes, alien invasions and epic battles, many started to get back their memories from past lives and interested to spirituality, magic etc. In the future, aliens come in the year 2028. Well, that's according to the 16th-century astrologer, physician and "seer" Nostradamus, anyway. They had their own credits, allowing them to purchase whatever they wanted. As the Red Sea enlarges, Cairo will ultimately disappear into the sea. Why not scuba dive with sharks? New lands will rise from Sicily to Sardinia. Kurt Annaheim via Youtube. Learn how your comment data is processed. The experiments were carried out at . These crumpled up pages of what looks like standard printer paper, allegedly detailed the exact dates of future events. Alfred Bielek took birth in the year 1927. Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions. While weve pointed out the many accurate predictions in the Henoch Prophecies, apparently few people have noticed that Sfaths 1948 predictions contain such events asthe: and much more. Of course we keep hearing that it will be years into the future at each telling/showing. However, the project did not offer him the permanent job. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. There is no better instruction in how to do this and much more than this profound and timeless book: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I guess the right-wing terror is wrong, lets have a reality based thought pattern that constantly reminds us, that we are human, and the truth is out there somewhere, but not in a fantasy world. (Source). He claims that the technological prowess of . A new waterway will eventually develop from the Bay of Honduras to Salinas, Ecuador. In 1980's the time travelling experiment became operational. He was born on August 4, 1916, in Bay Shore Long Island, New York, to father Alexander Duncan Cameron and mother (maiden name) Arville from a common law marriage. Now here it is the but; Neither he or anyone else can tell us which reality Al was shown or viewed, as there are many. More than 2.5 miles high, the cities were capable to stand against the law of gravity. Al Bielek says that when he worked as a contractor, he himself was in charge of the operations of the Mind Control program, which he said was used against members of the US military. When we say that someone has "lied", we are required to show evidence for the accusation. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He was the original whistle blower on the United States Mars Base Project and the Philadelphia Experiment / Project Rainbow. However, their technologies are not perfect. "Aliens are something I cannot describe with my words." Noah then went on to describe a number of future predictions such as the rise of an artificial intelligence (AI) world government, smart. Something Was Always Off Most of the United Kingdom, from Scotland to the English Channel, will disappear beneath the sea. Many will be hoping that his predictions, particularly those of nuclear war, turn out to be wide of the mark. A man named Al Bielek is a central figure in these stories and his account has been ridiculed as simply being contrived nonsense, but the historical context and his detailed narrative are intriguing and possibly part of a true story, shedding light on clandestine government operations, one of which was known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Pelee in. Bielek thought that time-traveling into 2137 was bizarre - but he had no idea how crazy it would be to live in the year 2749. The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar invisibility was being researched aboard the USS Eldridge. Some of us may think the mere though of it is pure nonsense. But more importantly the wealthy are preparing for safe escape havens, stockpiling real estate in dry areas and moving away from the old-school approach of storing food and water. Worst Nuclear Disasters that couldnt be forgotten by humanity, 9 Goddesses of Navaratri: The details of their special significance. Australia will lose nearly twenty-five percent of its land due to coastal flooding. He and his brother, Duncan, were commissioned in 1983 to travel in the past to the year 1943 to destroy the equipment of the USS Eldridge. Maybe more is still going to happen, who knows. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Often we use Al Bielek's own data to point out where he has either lied; mixed-and-matched bits-and-pieces of the real story; or else just made up a great deal of nonsense. While many would think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. I think there is already right-wing terror going on in Europe and there are still many things to play out here in the US as well. Compared to all these dreams and feelings very little. Theyused advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. Countries that Relied on Chinese Vaccines. In South America, heavy earthquake and volcanic activity will take place. Paul Dienach: The man who claimed that Mars would be colonized by 2204, Time Travel story of Edna Hedges could make you believe in time slip. The role of government had become old-fashioned; the artificial intelligence looked after the governance of the countries. Prediction 1 The "Roaring 22s" Begin In The 2nd Half Of The Year (Vegas Sold Out By September) The world will emerge from our collective Covid crisis slowly at first, but once it is clear a. However, their technologies are not perfect. April: The first commercial robotic eye was released, allowing blind people to see. Russian Special Forces Troops Destroy Anunnaki Nest in Turkey, Norfolk Southern Offers Buyout to East Palestine Residents, It's Done: Bakhmut is Encircled by Russian Troops. 1983. AndBreaking the Silence, the film I made with my daughter, was screened at the Austin Indie Film Festival. Express. Billionaires such as John Malone (currently the largest landowner in America, owns 2,200,000 acres including Wyoming and Colorado), Ted Turner (2,000,000 acres in Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico and North Dakota), Philip Anschultz (434,000 acres in Wyoming), Amazons Jeff Bezos (400,000 acres in Texas) and Stan Kroenke (225,162 acres in Montana) all have amassed major land. COPYRIGHT UNSOLVED MYSTERIES & PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES, 2017-2018. Belmont will transform a raw, blank land into a futuristic city built around a flexible infrastructure model added Belmont Properties. (LogOut/ Another theorist and psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that when both Mt. Bielek revelo cosas muy inquietantes de lo que suceder con la humanidad en esa poca, aqu sus mas importantes revelaciones: La humanidad sufri cambios geogrficos significativos que dieron inicio con los terremotos que se han desatado en el mundo desde el 2005 y durara hasta 2025. Higher elevations will be considered safe. He says he did not remember what had happened until January 1988 when he saw the movie based on the Philadelphia experiment. Ed and Duncan Cameron find themselves at Montauk 1983 after spending six weeks in 2137 . Time Traveler Reveals Future Map Of The U.S After Devastating Events (2020-2025) Time traveler, a survivor of the famous Philadelphia Experiment reveals details about time-travel programs. The Black Sea will merge with the North Sea as well, leaving Bulgaria and Romania completely under water. Earths inner core seems to have stopped spinning, and may be in the process of changing direction, Arizona: Coldest day in the Valley since 2019 Tonight could also be the coldest night in four years, California weather war: Storm death toll rises to 17 as flooding, mudslides prompt evacuations, Utah Great Salt Lake is on the verge of collapse, and could expose millions to arsenic laced dust, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying Whistleblower Jeff, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying (video) Occasion2B, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying (video) | YoNews #News. Much of Ireland will disappear beneath the sea, except for the higher ground areas. The major twist occurred in his life when he started working for the Montauk Project. 7. Land will be inundated from the Philippines to Japan, and north to the Bering Sea, including the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands. He participated in the black projects; consequently, he lost his memories after the completion of the project to maintain the secrecy of the Montauk Project. Dr. John Von Neumann greets the two and convinces them to time travel back to the USS Eldridge in 1943. to destroy the control equipment and shut the experiment down. * * * * * Dotted areas covering the western parts of the U.S shows water damage, not a new coast line, so sorry for all you in P. M Michael Bramer 18 followers More information Al Bielek ~ Future Map of the U.S. Montauk Project Psychological Warfare Al Bielek is a man who tells a different story. The first crumpled piece of paper read: January 2019: A spike in UFO sightings worldwide. After his memories began to return, he was determined to share what he knew with the general public not only about the Philadelphia Experiment, but also about his other activities with the US government. Russia will be separated from Europe by an entirely new sea when the Caspian, Black, Kara, and Baltic Seas combine. I knew Al Bielek. Rhesus Negative: The Ancient Bloodline of the Nephilim? According to Al, he couldnt claim about the project before 1989, because he was subjected to mind control. I would urge people like Rumplestiltskin to keep an open mind. Several small islands will remain. My film, DECEPTION ON DEMAND,just won the Diamond Award, the top award in the Best Documentary Short at Pinnacle Film Awards. Starting off with his 2020 predictions, he said that Donald Trump will be re-elected as a president and that . Time traveller from 6491 warns of global warming, Time travel proof: Time traveller reveals AI rules humans in 2,600. He was only nine months old, and he could actually comprehend the conversation that was taking place among the elders in a family Christmas party. Al Bielek, an elsuive figure thought to have been born in 1927, passed away in 2011, claiming he spent two periods of time living in the future. Entirely new communities will develop between the Great Sandy and Simpson Deserts and new refugee settlements will be created in Queensland. According to conventional theories, its impossible, at least not for human beings. Nine degrees, the cities were capable to stand against the law of gravity earthquake and activity. Earth was ruled not by people, but by a computer system the midwest gordon-michael Scallion a... Metaphysics and a spiritual visionary an entirely new communities will develop between the Great Sandy and Simpson Deserts and refugee! In 2,600 land due to coastal flooding in: you are commenting your! Email, and Baltic Seas combine to show evidence for the next time I.! Stop.. Somewhere in what we know today as Nebraska al bielek predictions 2020 daughter, was at... 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