Title: Microsoft Word - Document Analysis- Canassatego- In His Own Words.docx Author: Sidonio Pereira Created Date: 9/12/2013 1:18:26 AM Involved in several land sales to British American officials. Explain. . After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share, communicating the information from their own half of the document. Cite specific evidence from the document that helps support your answer. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. His is an example that every American can. Open Document. % Canassatego complied, berating the Delawares as "women" who had no right to sell land, and ordering them to leave. endobj He was also shrewd enough when confronted by his Iroquois critics to answer that while he was a chief of the Delaware he was only a humble messenger of his "Uncles and Superiors."26 Neverthe less, he had effectively severed the bonds of Students will be using a statement made by Chippewa (AnishinaabegorOjibwe) chief Minavavana (MihnehwehnaorMinweweh), an ally of the French. MBA642-T3-A3-Prince 3 (23-01-2021).pptx, whether the NCAA sports environment changes the level of per capita income in, Market value substitution rule s 112 20 where taxpayer did not incur expenditure, Question 28 Provide 3 examples for desserts made from puff paste with a brief, V U U U U V U U V U U 452017 Assignment Print View httpeztomheducationcomhmtpx, Section 5.8 - CSC 10400_ Discrete Mathematical Structures I.pdf, QUESTION 24 a describes a partial or total loss of memory There are two subtypes, 12 Describe the properties and uses of resorcinol resin adhesives strong and, A client who is diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis.docx, Subaru crouched with perfect timing to evade the attack as if he had eyes in the, 16 A patient diagnosed with H pylori asks the nurse How an infection can occur, Its grown for us to the point that now we both feel as though were under siege. receive. Chief Canassategos speeches took place several years before the French and Indian War but show the direct relationships and sometimes turbulent alliances among the Iroquois Confederation, the colonists in Pennsylvania, and the British Crown. I%think%Canassatego%meant%% Your people daily settle on these lands, and spoil our hunting. The king of France? xu@0-vhZFJ#.cC 2. In a paragraph of 4-5 sentences, explain who Canassatego was and his significance in early American history. After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share. You will not therefore take it amiss if our ideas of the white man's kind of education happens not to be the same as yours. Students and teacher should be able to present their answers on the Smartboard, ELMO, or overhead projector. Sign it in a few clicks FF2X9 y$1 )~] g?t(8M9>Uq
Qwrps]A. The teacher will pair students based on ability level for aThink, Pair, Share using Canassatego In His Own Words. Columbus had a slave before he set sail. The French and Indian War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Our wise Forefathers established Union and Amity between the Five Nations; this has made us formidable, this has given us great weight and Authority with our Neighboring Nations. w$6FkH\ECGro This has given us great weight and authority with our neighboring Nations. How is he polite? He is also subject to federal income tax. taken"it"from"our"enemies"in"fair"war."."."." Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income see instructions. Canassatego wants the men from Virginia to understand that their definition of education and men are divergent. Following a literary convention by which Native American characters were used to satirize Europeans, Canassatego was portrayed as wise and honest, in stark contrast to the scheming Englishmen he encounters. The teacher will continue reading along with the students and use the proper pronunciation and intonation as a model. % Landings Glassware Company issues$1,150,000 of15%, 10-year bonds at 95 on February28, 2019. /ca 1.0 could"have"spared"more"we"would"have"given"more;"but"we"are"really"poor;"and" We have answers to the most popular questions from our customers. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us. And we have a cloth that needs to be cut into pieces between them. In On Colonizing Education (1677), Canassatego refuses the offer to send Onondaga children to school at William and Mary College. Canassatego reason for this offer might have been to make the representatives from Virginia understand why they wouldn't want to take the offer and to feel how attacked the Native's felt when asked the same thing. We have had some experience of it. Cite specific evidence from the text that helps support your answer. endobj Letter To Canassatego. With Martin Margiela, Carla Sozzani, Pierre Rougier, Lidewij Edelkoort. Short Hints towards a Scheme for a General Union of the British Colonies on the Continent, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Canasatego&oldid=1077190340, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> The responses European settlers had to Native American tribes reflected their own cultural and economic viewpoints. [19], The US Navy named the USS Canassatego (YN-38/YNT-6/YTM-732), a harbor tug, for Canasatego.[20]. Cite specific evidence from the text that supports your answer. another." If you have not done anything, we now renew our request, and desire you will inform the person whose people are seated on our lands, that that country belongs to us, in right of conquest; we having bought it with our blood, and taken it from our enemies in fair war. Students will "close read" and fill in the graphic organizers with relevant ideas, vocabulary, quotations, and meanings from their half of the document on their own. This beginning might affect the colonist in a surprised way because they believe the Native American's were uncivilized and savages, so they wouldn't expect them to respond in such a respectful way. OgRXl:O>My:KCCet/-O?>w?R)>FEL%c=Y"F+\qp\wC8j7X:81n$*9-cW'@;p0"ac?&^>vka UC[%u1E%xW{Rs-5Q Our wise forefathers established union and amity between the Five Nations. % [5], In the 1730s, a faction of Iroquois leaders opened a diplomatic relationship with the British Province of Pennsylvania, facilitated by Conrad Weiser, Pennsylvania's interpreter and agent. These documents will teach the students about specific aspects of the French and Indian War and the complex nature of this major event in colonial and indigenous history. the"country;"and"we"will"know"beforehand"the"quantity"of"the"goods"we"are"to" document. Term. Ling uses the effective-interest method, Harrison, an employee of SafeAssociates, Inc., has gross salary for March of$4,000. '$RA ->!jKthAsulxum2>;d g4Y~ rLNxL4Q Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. View Many updates and improvements! all rights reserved, History U: Courses for High School Students. Cite specific evidence from the text that helps support your answer. Assassinated in 1750. " Key%Ideas% %PDF-1.4 After a set amount of time, each student will present at least one piece of information their partner shared with them during the Pair portion of the Think, Pair, Share. Full Document, Native American Responses to European Colonists.pdf, MIM DEY - Canassatego-In His Own Words.pdf, Walter_A_Copy_of_African_Americans_and_the_Revolution_DBQ, Book_Analysis_for_THE_AMERICAN_COLONIES.3.doc, Hazard critical thinking assignment .docx, cycle plants and animals die that die will be decomposed by decomposers, 104. 7) Our"wise"forefathers"established"union"and"amity"between"the"Five"Nations." The teacher will have to be sure the students are appropriately prepared for this unit/lesson. He was involved in several controversial land sales to colonial British officials. /Producer ( Q t 4 . He is critical by when he mimics them of the same offer and he explains on how the children who when to the college came back useless. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. Copy of US H - ch 4, sec 1 The French and Indian War Document Activity.docx, Copy_of_Copy_of_Unit_3A_Using_Evidence_Indian_Removal_Act_3.0, Jheimy_Solano_-_Copy_of_Unit_2_Graphic_Organizer_Marshall_Court_2.0_.0, Jillian Pandorf - Life in the Colonies Homework- Pg 89 .docx, Unformatted text preview: Name%&______________________%% . How does Canassatego feel about the alliance between the tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy? Students will be using close-reading strategies to analyze excerpts from two speeches by Canassatego, chief of the Onondaga Nation and a diplomat for the Iroquois Confederacy. . In 1740, Benjamin Franikdin printed excerpts from Canassatego's speeches. Students will create a thesis statement for a DBQ essay and will use all of the documents from this unit to prove their thesis in a detailed DBQ essay. Americans and how they still hold in the text in bold, what rhetorical strategy does chief canassatego use. I%think%Canassatego%meant% There are several other major reasons to use Robert Mosess diary: it describes the chaos and brutal nature of the French and Indian War as well as the role that Native American allies played for both the English and the French during the war. stream What does Canassatego want the men from Virginia to understand? Are there any differences? Onondago Indian, Canassatego, was not linked to the hereditary sachems. 2 Pages. "We"are"a"powerful"Confederacy,"and"by"your"observing" Students will demonstrate learning by combining prior knowledge and primary sources to dig deeper and discover more relevant information related to the coalitions and contentions that led to the violence of the French and Indian War. the confidence of the English and of his own people, he managed to retain his position of importance. . This has made us formidable. % Students will research and create a project where they must find and research at least four primary documents that show a direct correlation between the end of the French and Indian War and the beginning of turmoil between the colonies and England. Class&___________ % Canassatego%%In%His%Own%Words" % % % % 9 Canassatego"was"a"chief"of"the"Onondaga"Nation"and"a"diplomat"for"the"Iroquois"Confederacy. This article needs additional citations for verification. He had a manly countenance, mixed with a good-natured smile. % % % % % %%%%% % % % The teacher will hand out Robert Moses In His Own Words. According to Canassatego, the Iroquois men need to know how to survive in nature, running, hunting, the language, and how to bare hunger. Cite specific examples from the text that support your answer. Share reading will also help students hear, see, and read aloud the major sentiments and the point of view presented in the document prior to their close-reading exercise. GRAPHING DISTANCE VS_ TIME - Key.doc. For the future we, will sell no lands but when Brother Onas [the proprietor of Pennsylvania] is in, the country; and we will know beforehand the quantity of the goods we are to, receive. This page was last edited on 15 March 2022, at 00:21. S[owo0$b>-2.SmWXC@up1:K`,Us%\JZ@~7Q8%sr+J %PDF-1.3 Canassatego (c. 1684-1750) was a leader of the Onondaga nation who became a prominent diplomat and spokesman of the Iroquois Confederacy in the 1740s. desire"youll"not"consider"the"quantity,"but,"few"as"they"are,"accept"them"in" /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB If"you"have"not"done"anything,"we"now"renew"our"request,"and"desire"you"will" Title: Microsoft Word - Document Analysis- Canassatego- In His Own Words.docx Author: Sidonio Pereira Created Date: 9/12/2013 1:18:26 AM Show the transcribed text of the imageThe upcoming question The next questionCanassago-In his own words Canassatego was the leader of the nation Onondaga and a diplomat for the confederation lroquois. In 1740, Benjamin Franklin, printed excerpts from Canassategos speeches. After a set amount of time, students will work with their partner to begin thePairportion of the Think, Pair, Share, communicating the information from the two sections of the text. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Is the"Join or Die"political cartoon related to the words of Chief Canassatego? % As you read Canassatego's speech, underline the main ideas from the text and try to understand his position on the relationship between the . Full Document. Canassatego speech in his own words answer key pdf printable forms Much has been said about the inspiration of the ancient Iroquois "Great League of Peace" in planting the seeds that led to the formation of the United States of America and its representative democracy.The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 11421, is . Significant%Quotes%and%Interpretations% For each faction, there were multiple motivations at play during these conflicts. AP HUMAN G AP Human G. White people; Land; Canassatego; Bearden High School, Knoxville AP HUMAN G AP Human G. Canassatego In His Own Words. This activity can be used in most US history classrooms. Teacher will "share read" the Robert Moses document with the class. The age of exploration and the ensuing colonization of the Western Hemisphere brought long-standing conflicts into new and unfamiliar lands for European imperial nations. If its an angry letter or a respectful letter, in this case a respectful one that is polite on his part. 4#qgW*Ny=OSN^O^dB2g ~oN9t ~[+9~RGN[Ic&K/y==).\_ 4}c.Fw\JC {)9 bPH$ NGlB1sw@Nh?s! #F~7#9X#dM9L1q1Z{Nv?zz?J-assjcO>)KcA_xcK In his own words. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, Canassatego in his own words key ideas answer key. The teacher and students will review the homework from the first days lesson, Analyzing a Political Cartoon: Benjamin Franklin "Join or Die," or complete the analysis in class if it was not assigned as homework. Pope Nicholas V authorized the enslavement of non-Christians, which at that the time was people of color. As you read Canasatego's speech, emphasize the basic ideas from the text . If so, how? He made similar recommendations about colonial unity at another conference in 1745. The speaker's ability to look persuasive, sound persuasive, and act in a persuasive way. Though around 1740, he became a prominent negotiator of plenty of crucial . Throughout We know our lands are now become more . Students should have a good understanding of pre-Columbian indigenous history, the age of exploration, wars of European colonialism around the world, cultural diffusion, imperialism, and other topics relevant to world and US history. 25. Edit your canassatego in his own words answers online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. /SMask /None>> !w5~xV^$'d =_ HNQmJC7!\Opfv:R(}DGq:iKapf\73wnci]Xw*r@;t WeWp:-v#0^ QF[#|jVdku6%]M*(i=SCw-*Y(?.b)kQMbV#keMA!{^,"#FJ&IXrvhYS. This can be done in class or as homework. XcIri2>xvEB9#ORV !ne@l7p ,8qaRN: U
9]s|"`wq /3} Men on both sides gave many great speeches. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] This lesson could work well in several different units of American history or civics. Documentary Biography A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Another said that he had been poisoned by agents of New France. << He was about 60 years of age; very active, strong, and had a surprising liveliness in his speech, which I observed in the discourse betwixt him, Mr. Weiser, and some of the sachems. In a shared read, the teacher will introduce the text to the students by beginning to read the document aloud. Canassatego Letter 110 Words | 1 Pages The letter written in response to an offer for free education at the College of William and Mary presented to the people of Virginia by the Native American leader, the most overpowering, Canassatego; wanting the maintenance of young women to not pay for education, however, is not able to accomplish the goal. Forefathers '' established '' union '' and '' amity '' between '' the Robert Moses document with class. Canassatego complied, berating the Delawares as `` women '' who had no right sell... Or a respectful letter, in this case a respectful one that is polite on part... Edited on 15 March 2022, at 00:21 use your mobile device as a signature pad the... '' fair '' war. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''..... ) our '' wise '' forefathers '' established '' union '' and '' amity '' between '' the Robert document!, history U: Courses for High school students, Carla Sozzani, Pierre Rougier, Lidewij Edelkoort part. Neighboring Nations. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. 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