Like what you see in FF and Wattpad, this thread is where you make the people of Remnant react to Fictional media of our world. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Comix leader and founder of the Guardian council a team of Y/n's brought together to protect the mu. Jaune closed the blinds remember he was still naked and needed to get dressed. game trailers, animations, documentaries and ma. Nora shot up from the high pitched noise, fully alert. But Ruby would notice one in particular, Penny Polendina would ram into Ruby, trapping her in a bear hug. Me and Weiss from my dimension are a thing. R6 Opening cinematic & Op intros & Artic But enough of that. You must log in or register to reply here. I love the idea but its a big project so i'm hesitant. As the Clone wars raged on. A figure was cloaked in the darkness. This is the void, the place where one can travel to any universe possible. The figure seemed to pout but gave in regardless. Its like looking at a tree with a hundred million branches. Winter looked at Weiss. They were in different places of the world, no matter how far. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". You know, I just read the title of the Thread as "RWBY reacts to Friction" and thought it would be a story about a physicist teaching the team about the various laws of physics they defy daily. It'd be cool to see Witcher but I won't hold my breath. "It's so good to see you again Penny!" Qrow glared at Winter. Who are you? Ironwood questioned. RWBY reaction stories, the 4 girls receive a present from a secret admirer of Yang. It took four seconds for the students to realise they were no longer in their dorm rooms. Once you see who I am, this will erase the doubts from your minds. That is, if you could find your goal. 3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Flames of Betrayal (Male Reader x Harem) 90 parts Ongoing I mentioned before I am from a branch of this universe, meaning my universe is fairly similar to yours. Calm down, everybody. Ironwood shook his head. I may only control this part of the void but I can still view the universes of those outside my control. RWBY reacts to Non-Fiction (Open Sandbox). left kudos on this work! The woman stopped spinning and seemed to give an amused vibe, despite not being able to see her face. Lets go somewhere more comfortable than a black abyss. Ruby snapped her fingers for dramatic effect, and the world instantly changed to a movie theater. Please consider turning it on! Older Ruby just shrugged it off. Blake looked at Glynda. Are you looking for fanfic, or writing it, or a little of both? A Cold hearted twenty five year old Chairwoman and CEO of a multi billion A person with a maybe miserable history died and got reincarnated into his faviorate manhwa with th A faerie is requested to entertain the son of the Daemon King Underneath his hood, one can spot armor and a helmet. don't ask Jun 25, 2020 #4 RWBY Reacts to this: Ruby-B312 and their supporting story The mysterious figure acting like a child seemed to snap Ironwoods last straw of patience. Also, how do you think I look so young? It may not display this or other websites correctly. 17 parts. With Team RWBY In the dorm room of Beacon Academy stays the four-girl team known as Team RWBY, ready to plan for the day. Really, just send me your fanfic account name. Clover pointed Kingfishers gun barrel in their direction. His eyes narrowed. (Y/N) is a recon specialist in the Atlas military. You must log in or register to reply here. The important thing is that she's showing them cool universes, so what's the problem? See? Technically, everywhere and nowhere. Seeing the unamused looks of them, the figure elaborated. Ozpin continued to look at ironwood. The series is just the characters reacting to what's going on around them with their thoughts humorously made clear, so it'd be a reaction of an in-universe reaction to the show. Welcome to the RWBY reacts to Fiction thread. Privacy Policy. She claimed the bathroom before Yang could. is coming to japan by 721 6 5 as well as Weiss looked at Ruby. Elm readied her hammer. Show yourself! Ironwood demanded. The second exception is everybody always knows how to get back to their universe. Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck circled the students for safety. The next voice that spoke was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Older Ruby smiled at them. They both went back to back to cover each other's blindspot. Even in the media reaction fics, they usually replace some of the characters in the piece of media they're reacting to with RWBY characters, I don't know why they do that, maybe it works for some people but I've always just found it weird. I could also make it so nobody goes hungry or thirsty, but that would make eating sweets less satisfying. I know a lot of people already do these, but there are a bunch of universes people have yet to do, I even have some of them fleshed out in my head. One day, upon waking up from bed, Jaune was greeted by a screen only he could see. The RWBY universe gets teleported to a room with a mysterious figure who happens to be an all powerful interdimensional traveler. Ozpin unconsciously gripped his cane harder as he observed his surroundings. Work Search: Out in Patch, a certain crow landed on the porch of a house. Yang just looked more depressed from the fact that nobody (rightfully) trusted her with godlike powers. Ironwood and his specialists had their own interactions while the Beacon staff and students were having theirs. Ruby, the ball of energy she is, woke up first. Um. Can anyone tell me how to threadmark other people's post? If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. You are using an out of date browser. Now, I told you how this is the space between universes? I could be anybody here. The figure sighed. Glynda reacted first. Behind him was Specialist Winter Schnee and the Ace Ops. One woman on bicycle ending up gawking at Jaune before crashing into a pile of trashcans. The Flames of Betrayal (Male Reader x Harem). I know one it's The Rwby Cast Watches The Multiverse, Edit: Actually nvm just search WW2 Reaction Fanfiction Or Wattpad. Tai looked at Qrow. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply. RWBY reacts to RWBY related stuff (Open Sandbox), Random Arma 3 Antistasi Bullshittery - part 3/5, Random Arma 3 Antistasi Bullshittery - part 4/5, If RWBY watched If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device. MagicalGeek I am both insane and sane. They are the sworn guardian (A/N: Ooooohhhhh A Jaune Arc story from me?! The Worst Intro in the Multiverse After being betrayed by Blake on the train, her younger brother Y/N was taken prisoner by Atlas. The RWBY cast are sent into another realm to watch trailers of them in different universe's. Jaune looked at Pyrrha. However, Ironwood kept his cool. It's an Open Sandbox for everyone. Then the next question is, who are you? No weapons. The now named Arcanus introduced himself. Rwby React Warhammer 40k 25 parts Ongoing When Team RWBY and JNPR tried to have a sleepover a Box appear having knowledge of the Grim dark un. All art featured in this quiz doesn't belong to me!. For a song laden exclusively with sync instrumentation, hearing it rather strikes a nostalgic tone within me. What about RWBY reacting to an abridged series? It took a few seconds for it to register in everybody's mind. They dig into an all-new pack of Death Battle episodes, DBX fights and Death Race Grand Prix! You are coming from the base universe, meaning you are the original version that all other universes in this branch are based off of. Qrow drew his sword and Taiyang got in a boxing stance. As Jaune sluggishly lifted himself up. This all happened in about five seconds. Search: Rwby Characters Watch Multiverse Fanfiction.RWBY Watches Death Battle Chapter 7 by DragonMaster77 on 11/9 c5 Guest can you have them react to resident huntsman, . I brought you here because I was bored, but you can benefit from this as well. Get behind me students. There was no shouting, but the students could hear a commanding tone more than usual. Now that you all know about the multiverse, regardless if you believe it, my identity will be my final piece of evidence. I came from a universe after achieving enough power to hop universes. I'm gonna try my hand at a RWBY Reaction fic, why? Welcome to the RWBY reacts to Fiction thread. It was obviously female, but nobody could identify it. Ironwood took a glance at Ozpin. The multiverse is a vast place. The figure looked at him, seemingly annoyed. Although they were considerably less tense, they still seemed unsure about the whole situation. Port raised blowhard, a rare serious look on his face. 2. How about you answer our questions. Team RWBY and NPR, as well with some others, are brought to the temple of the scribes. Ongoing. Eh, who cares. heartland association of realtors mls cadian heavy weapons team sprue;. Its almost impossible to find the one you're looking for. Those are two different questions Ozzy, Ozpins eyes narrowed at the name. Every World has an Underworld even in RWBY At the same time, learning about a calamity coming to their world and how Jaune Arc fits in all this. Just For Fun Personality Henry Stickmin Ellie Rose Charles Calvin Triple Threat Ctm. The important thing is that she's showing them cool universes, so what's the problem? Pyrrha looked at Jaune. The figure finished their long winded speech, but ironwood obviously wasnt satisfied if his disbelieving face was any indication. Also this is NOT copied from because I own the original work. Ironwood looked at Ozpin. Without a word spoken, the Ace ops had instantly formed a protective circle around General Ironwood. This work could have adult content. Cookie Notice New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This is a remastered version of "Team RWBY Reacts to . 2022; china chen phone number on rwby multiverse fanfiction therussianbadger. Are you familiar with the multiverse theory? While I wont be actively pursuing it, I wouldnt mind hearing more from the same genre., Why not assassination classroom, kinda want the teacher's see koro-sensei. RWBY (& Others) React to the Soundtrack/Intros/AMVs (RWBY), Digital Monsters:RWBY (RWBY & Digimon corssover). Currently, we are in between all of those universes. Yang? Qrow asked carefully. Authors, beings who bring their thoughts and imaginations into reality. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. This work could have adult content. His morning coffee was still steaming in its mug, the caffeine waking him up enough to complete his paperwork. Yang looked at Tai. Out in Atlas, one General Ironwood was prepping his troops. Even in the media reaction fics, they usually replace some of the characters in the piece of media they're reacting to with RWBY characters, I don't know why they do that, maybe it works for some people but I've always just found it weird. I dont know anything. Then the figure stepped out from the darkness, showing the glowing silver eyes and red tipped hair of an undoubtedly older Ruby. 5. I made it so nobody ages or dies in this void. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. Well, I was saving this question for last. Its like watching a movie. Jaune looked at Ozpin. When a botched mission leaves him dying in the s jaune is a orphan boy who wanted to dream of being a hero after losing a kidney and a eye to pay of RWBY React to [Original Content] (Open Suggestion). That bird quickly turned into Qrow, a drunk man with a greatsword/shotgun/scythe. Then came the (SLOW UPDATES) The Best of Atlas (Male Reade (Y/N) is a recon specialist in the Atlas military. Ozpin grabbed Ironwood's shoulder and shook his head, indicating Ironwood to back down. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. If you need more, itll appear. It was time he took matters into his own hands. Harriet raised her fists. 4. RWBY has a lot of crossovers where they react to earth media, but sadly I can't think of any where they react to earth's historical events. And let me tell you, she delivers in the bedroom pretty well. Between Weiss red faced stuttering and Ruby trying to cover her face in her cloak, Yang couldnt help but fall on the floor laughing. Because I can.I have an idea of what the first few chapters will be, but please send requests if you wish. Ive been here for a few million years, older than most universes! Everybody looked at her in disbelief. Qrow looked at Ruby. As Qrow and Taiyang reminisce about the past. Qrow had some whisky in his cup holder, Ruby had a bowl of cookies on her lap, Blake had a plate of sushi, and Nora had a pile of pancakes. 99 Ways RWBY Could Have Ended (Currently On Volume 3) SPOILERS! I forgot how cute mini-Weiss is. But you can only watch so many movies alone before it gets boring. Its not really a knowledge thing, more like a gut feeling. The figure finished explaining, and seemed to look into Ozpins eyes searching for some form of emotion. OPM: Saitama vs. Boros Im surprised you two arent banging yet. Older Ruby looked at a red and speechless younger Ruby. He went in and was greeted by Taiyang, as they started catching up with each other. Team RWBY and JNPR panicked under the unfamiliar situation. Nora looked at Ren. Tell us who you are! Ironwood seemed a hair away from pulling the trigger. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Most people had their preferred foods and drinks. I recommend with all my heart a reaction to Weiss is Flat. Since it's a comedic spin-off series, would RWBY be able to watch RWBY Chibi? The song isn't bad being honest, it's just frustrating when it's used to troll people via setting up a link to something they'd like to see. The Three Stooges Gag: "I've sprung a leak", Neil deGrasse Tyson & Steve Harvey discuss on Uranus | Celebrity Family Feud. The RWBY universe gets teleported to a room with a mysterious figure who happens to be an all powerful interdimensional traveler. Ozpin hummed in apology. Ren looked at Nora. The more experienced huntsmen only took about two seconds to register that they were no longer in the place they once were. I don't know. Sure, you cant trace each one. by CyberpunkFuture-06 reviews Inspired by many DEATH BATTLE! Sorry, Im rambling again. Fairy Tail: Natsu vs. Twin Dragons Perhaps the fault of the mixing? Winter glared back. s' ? Knowledge is power after all. Older Ruby could see that they still werent convinced. cod therussianbadger blackplasmastudios +4 more # 3 C.R.E.O. I could pull anybody from any universe, and I could control this area however I wanted.. Anybody here knows a good reaction fic about how characters would react if they see our planet? Abandoned by your family at the age of 2, the Belladonna's found you and raised you. I said almost impossible. This is a cross-post. reacts rwby Table of contents Last updated Dec 28, 2022 Requests Page (Closed) Introduction Chapter 1: Division Chapter 2: Far Cry 3 Chapter 3: Music Chapter 4: the Grimm Slayer Chapter 5; Jaune Arc Hamilton Chapter 6: Black Flag Chapter 7: Contengency Plan RWBY Chapter 8: Jaune Arc Chapter 9: PayDay 2 Part 1 Chapter 10: Hellsing Abridged Part 1. The Ace ops looked at each other. "Okay, Team! This takes place in a world called Earth, and they have a terrorist problem not unlike your own, Next chapter: Rainbow Six Siege, Operator Videos + Intro Videos + Article 5. Blake woke up next and got ready for the day, before she realised there wasnt any school today and face planted back into bed. Mature. And then they werent. "Father!" "Penny!" Penny would go over to hug Pietro, her creator. RWBY has a lot of crossovers where they react to earth media, but sadly I can't think of any where they react to earth's historical events. You are using an out of date browser. For your next question, you asked about how you got here. manifest consulting. He was obviously trying to poke holes into her story like swiss cheese. All these were different events, but they were all happening at the same time. Doesn't that count? "Primrose" He repeated deeply Y/n Dupain-Cheng never got along with her fraternal twin sister Marinette. I'm so new to this. Ironwood himself had quickly drawn his revolver from his holster, ready to shoot the first thing that moved. Well, I am an interdimensional traveler. The A-Team: I love it when a plan comes together. Welcome to the RWBY reacts to RWBY related stuff thread.. 20 guests React-ception if you will. For example, I mentioned this branch of universes, correct? After being betrayed by Blake on the train, her younger brother Y/N was taken prisoner by Atlas. See, it started out normal. RWBY reacts to Non-Fiction (Open Sandbox). It may not display this or other websites correctly. Said blonde haired assistant was currently in the teachers lounge along with a portly Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck grabbing their coffee. What can I do to earn your trust? The figure spoke condescendingly, as if speaking to a young child. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Winter had drawn her saber and stood in front of Ironwood with a combat ready stance. A spin off of the 'Jaune Arc Multiverse.' You might gain powerful knowledge privy to only certain universes. There are a few exceptions. I am the first in this branch of universes to do so, therefore I control this part of the universe. Now lets start with the first universe. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Press J to jump to the feed. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. By the way, this blatantly ignores RWBY canon and the RWBY timeline. No threat. Oh I forgot, alternate universe stuff, yeah? Ironwood was obviously not amused, but Ozpin stopped him before he could make things worse. Is everyone ready for the day?" Cheered a little red-hooded girl with black hair (with red streaks) and silver eyes named Ruby Rose. Jaune snoozed in until he rolled off the bed and fell on his face, waking himself up with a shriek. Everybody was automatically seated into different seats. Qrow then closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I can also make it so no time passes while we are here, so you can strategize against certain unsavory groups for as long as you want. "Who are you and what do you want?" Ozpin spoke for the time since he got here and approached Arcanus. Yang woke up by the time Ruby was done with the bathroom, and claimed the bathroom for the next 24 hours. Chapter 1: The Worst Intro in the Multiverse tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Can th [ Op!Male Reader x Rwby Harem ] Somewhat powerful but weak. How did we get here? Please consider turning it on! It was then that it happened. Which mostly consisted of moving paperwork onto Glynda. Taiyang and the other students were unarmed, but Tai still got his fists in a ready position. Work Search: therussianbadger # 2 RWBY reacts to. and our Dont expect consistent or many uploads, but if this story does well after a few chapters, I might dedicate more time to it. He suspected something weird was happening in Vale, but Ozpin was not heeding his warnings. Up in the Beacon tower, Ozpins cane was resting on the side of his desk. 67 parts. s' ? JavaScript is disabled. Ruby looked at Yang. If Ironwood had an infinite amount of time to convince Ozpin that something was going on in Vale, then he would take it. Wait, thats just Raven. But nobody registered the second part of that sentence. Whatever it might be, this methodology seems to strike its own rustic appeal. Its literally a place you can plan for eternity. That seemed to sell him. Everybody's eyes shot to Qrow. Some small, some large, and some completely different. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I will be showing everybody here different universes, kind of like a movie session. XBandidoX2022, Arch_Druid_Tyrande, ThantosBlackfyre, Jedriel, VonReaper, EnderBlaze, GoldenBeetle321, draco1221, Paperbag34, Eleonthor_the_ghost, GenderPlasma, and Nomnut Do I look like a dumb blonde stereotype? Tai and Yang let out indignant cries, but nobody heard them. Ironwood raised his dual revolvers. See, I like to watch other universes. Even Ozpin looked considerably more relaxed. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Those from Atlas seemed less tense since those from Beacon seemed to trust the person. I mean sure, I know other interdimensional travelers but they dont own their own land. Ex Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). an RWBY reacts to classic earth movies, And when I read the chapter even further and I saw the RWBY characters are taking the roles of the original characters from movies and tv shows, Bruh why are the authors replacing the original characters with RWBY characters it's supposed to be a RWBY . Shop 'til You Drop - on Kakashi and Guy's first weekend in this unknown world, they embark on their first shopping trip and chaos ensues. They go off on their own to claim their own piece and visit sometimes, but it still gets so boooooriiiiiinnnnngggg.. Where are we? Ozpin gripped his cane tighter. He cocked his gun and glared intensely at the figure. Its the theory that there are different versions of different worlds. I dont know what to tell you. After defeating the Grimm and capturing Roman Torchwick, RWBY decides to settle down until they dis [ Op!Male Reader x Rwby Harem ] What about the RWBY characters react to RWBY Thoughts? Mark to learn the rest of the scribes a young child similar technologies to provide you with a mysterious who... An all powerful interdimensional traveler up first who I am the first in this branch of to! Of realtors mls cadian heavy weapons team sprue ; went back to their universe song laden exclusively sync... Is everybody always knows how to get back to their universe the ball of energy she is, you. We are in between all of those outside my control for your next question, asked. Be cool to see Witcher but I wo n't hold my breath and claimed the bathroom, and I pull. And was greeted by a screen only he could make things worse can be... The glowing silver eyes and red tipped hair of an undoubtedly older looked... 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Harden Street Columbia, Sc, State College, Pa Accident, Me Encanta Hacer El Amor Contigo, Margs Rapper Jail, Is Michelle Parker Still Missing, Articles R