- Pursuing Air Command and Staff College & APDP level III contracting certification; huge assett to OO-ALC, - QoL focused $2.1M incinerator/recycling project; abolished burn pits--brought to EPA std/reduced waste 85%, - Remodeled Airfield Tower; project greatly improved visability for air traffic controllers; 520 sorties secured
- MEST orders specialist; drove execution of 800 training days, 80 members upgraded in respective AFSC skill level EPR bullet statement examples for Primary and Additional Duties. - Pilots $1M Vehicle spt kt; hvy equip kt leadtime for UTTR reduc'd 40%--integral cog for 388th wpn test coord, - Pioneered $1.8M boiler replacement requirement--restored energy compliance/conservation to MAJCOM goal
- Marshaled sq ops center/coord'd w/ mx & trans; 20 on-time msns, 4 evals accomplished--enabled critical mission trng - Conducted ADPE verification; inventoried 67 items--recovered 11 missing assets--saved $2.5K/negated ROS, - Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise EXR 1 3 5,0 EPR 1 0,50 3,7 EXR 2 3 3,0 EPR 2 1,00 9,0 EXR 3 12 5,5 EPR 3 1,50 15,0 EXR 4 12 4,0 . - Managed workload for 3 buyers/12 CE PMs; executed 46 EOY projects valued >$7.4M--zero productivity lost
- Technical expert; mentored 4 Amn thru CDC's/qual'd 70 core tasks--upgraded on time w/83% avg EOC Score - Top 3 AUAB Promo Chair; coord'd two enlisted promo/awd ceremonies/26 vols--recogniz'd 80 mbrs/laud'd AEW/CC Train'd ESFS/S5 mbr on assessments; increased knowledge IAW w/AFCENT guidance, - Force multiplier! - Exercised 6 opts; provided continuity/3 cyber security/AtHoc/HEMP/turnstile mx--prevented lapse of vital spt
More Training Program Management/Development EPR Bullets. - Revised tng program; 63 mbrs trnd/100% CMR rate garnered NCO of the qtr award--promote before peers! Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. - Confident leader; won't compromise AF Core Values; enforced AF standards of conduct among subordinates Productivity - Scrutinized MXS SDS prgm; uncovered outdated MSDSs across the flts--ensured compliance w/2 mo get well date - Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community - Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide Supervised & mentored best performance within Amn--enhanced academic & financial abilities - Coor'd w/AFRC FAM ID'd four program discrep's in QA database; implemented changes directly impact USAF msn, - Coord'd 14 sections/72 Amn as Pro Super; enabled 16 acft rdy for no-notice FTD < 72 hrs--pivotal to 88% MC Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. A Bullet Writing Course with a focus on EPR's.VIDEO CREDIT: IG Brown Training and Education Center for Tech TV. - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Supports Cdr w/candid input first, then executes with supportive attitude--increased morale among airmen, - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks - Awarded urgent lease kt; seven vehicles delivered on-time--facilitated $2.7M joint Army/AF classified testing
- Awarded $52K RASS kt--provided reliability--ensured untinterrupted aircraft flying in support of US interests
- Rushed $7.34k CEG storm-damaged trailer kt; 5 days from PR to delivery--minimal loss to CER response msn, - Secured ntwk masking svc; coord'd overseas rqmt/completed <2 weeks--enabled covert ops for 3 regional tms
Leadership EPR Bullets. These are ideas of activities that are defined as self improvement, should be able to make a bullet out of it. Puts more effort in monitoring processes to check for bottlenecks. One of the main limiting factors is the insufficient variety and quantity of active species generated during the reaction process and catalyst failure. - Cross-utilization trained; assisted hydraulic specialists with boost pack replacement--restored vital acft system, - Dedicated Training Manager, works tirelessly beyond duty hours to assist unit members, true professional AFSC 6C0X1, Contracting EPR Bullets - #1 of 16 troops.Recognized as "AMN of the Qtr" for OO-ALC/PKO's 2nd Qtr--dedication is second to none . - Engaged leader; tackled insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data--2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner! A $28 million dollar contract has been awarded to General Dynamic Corp. - Mature leader; won't compromise standards; enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. rated on/mentored 3 Amn, accomp'd 5-lvl UGT 50% early--captured 3 coins/5 Sq/3 Gp OTQ awards - Completed voluntary Leadership Essentials course; leadership skills broadened for future--rec'd 100% on EOC - Co-authored pax immersion curriculum; train'd 33 prsnl/324 pax core tasks-- increaced pax ops compentency by 30% - Commandeered On-the-job training program; resulting in 6 airmen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule - #X/XX Wg Lts! - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant - Led $2.1M incinerator/recycling proj enhancing QoL; eliminated burn pits; met EPA std & reduced waste 85%
- Directed W&B slope survey; led 10 prsnl/val'd 18 PASs f/multi MDS's--11 CE Amn cert'd/incr'd 52 FW's capes 50% - Awd'd $13K design project; approved bldg construction added 4K sq ft/worth $700K--quick design svd $90K, - Awd'd $3.8M demo proj; consolidated CONS/LRS/SFS/DAPS ops--reduced wg's footprint/base energy usage
- Steered $1.3M Melrose Range/Chavez housing AT/FP upgrade; bolstered defense--secured 1K pers/SecDef initiative
- Authored $9Mil Acquisition Plan for Roofing kt; chosen ahead of peers to draft--zero gap in CEG roof support
Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. AF Form 911, Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), is used to document effectiveness and duty performance history, school and assignment selection, promotions, a separation or reduction-in-force, and reenlistment as well as statistical and research analysis.It provides a long-term, reliable, cumulative record of promotion potential and performance from the position of master sergeant . - Led MTP modification; assessed 82K core reqmts for 14 AFSCs--elim'd excessive tasks/100% workcenter coverage When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. - Completed 14 CBTs/MRT/pallet build up/forklift crs; sharpened vital war skills--sustained 100% deployable - Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average, - Completed SEJPME course; honed joint ops leadership skills--enhanced 2 RAZOR TALON exercises/saved $37K -Silver Bullets Writing Course -Personal Finance/Budget Course (aka. - Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months - Revived UGT pgm; led 132 supervisors/100 trainees/coord'd 179 pretests/59 EOCs--100% pass rate/37 skill level rdy, - Sel'd as Comm Flt SNCOIC-led team w/500+ helpdesk tx/$1.1M PWCS/$82K tech refresh/618 2875s-fortified section - Authored A & E continuity book; provided guidance to five new buyers--enhanced branch capabilities by 30%
- Vital member of Unit Staff Assistance Visit; assisted inspection of 21 work centers; enhanced tng adherance, - Warrior scholar; guided 24 unit members w/CCAF, reviewed CCAF records--186 credits applied, 6 degrees awarded - Truly superb; earned 100% on AF CO exam/received $1M warrant with only 2 yrs experience--Promote Now! - Authored/brief'd strategic concerns for CODEL; ID'd European force issues--Sen Fischer: "best I've ever seen", - Balanced workload 5 of 11 full time positions vacant during this period; no adverse effects to customer service - Maximized manpower; balanced 2 AFSCs/deployed 14 prsnl between 2 FOLs w/30% 7-lvl deficit--zero msn shortfalls - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets Chosen to direct Wing SNCO induction ceremony--supervised MPOY tear down/clean-up team - Mentored Amn/peers; consistently advises six Flt Amn on career outlook--exemplified supervisory/ldrship skills - Finished 3-day Msn Partner Plng crse; mastered key concepts/terms--applied skills to NATO exer mgmt role, - Hands on leadership! - Co-authored 64 pg SABER Guide; used to train CONS personnel--120 mnhrs saved/Id'd as ORI Wing strength, - Collected 1 ton of clothing for Ogden Rescue Mission Clothing Drive--ensured the less fortunate were clothed
- Executed $1.6M repair project; prompted F-16 simulator install--assured highest readiness for 388 FW pilots
- Exceeds all training requirements; evident by a 98 percent on his 7-Level, End-of-Course examination. Missed quota by x% Missed previously set target of [target] because of [reason] Needs further training in [process] because of [reason] Did not complete [task] because of [reason] Reduced quality of work output because of [reason]. - Built 3F2 MTP; prioritized 394 tasks/est'd milestones--ensured Wg's UTMs proficiency/fast-tracked tng f/2 retrainees, - Cmd'd OJT upgrade trn'g f/DMS; oversaw 21 tasks/updated TBA <7 weeks--certified 75% of 5-lvl core tasks <3 mo's Attended 142 hrs of professional development crs--exceeded SAF standard rqmts by 102 points
- Completed Here's to your Health crs; earned three CCAF credit hrs--three classes shy from Log . - Supervised 4 sections; directed 1K unsched mx actions/6 ground emergencies--won 31 MXS '13 SNCO of Yr --Take courses from AFRC, a few examples. Scored 95.4% on annual PFT--"Fit to Fight" example to 26 squadron Amn
Devoted 30 hours to personal fitness enhancement; consistent 'Excellence' maintained on annual AF FA - Revamped CCIP prgm; merged 486 MICT/IGEMS items f/3 units--eradicated 23 major findings/80% of Sq deficiencies, - Section administrator; processed 73 EPRs/decorations--sustained sterling 100% on-time submission rate The coupling of the two methods is a practical . Air Force Training EPR Bullets. - Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy - Spearheaded clinic process improvement; tackled no-shows/unbooked appts--reduced rate from 7.4% to 1.4% instr'd wg-lvl AF tng crs, streamlined documentation process--9 crs/72 hrs/98 supv Management EPR Bullets - Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17.3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM . - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset - Stood-up Wg's 1st-ever construction tm; crafted 65 projs/postured $62M MACC--garnered Grp's Innovation Tm OTQ, - Tackled 400 contract actions/$13M; enabler of 14 deployed bases/90K coalition forces/4K+ aircraft missions! - Managed $340K north parking lot reconfiguration; removed traffic hazard--added 100 additional parking slots
- ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppageUSAFE benchmarked - Organized AFTI Bare Base trng class; exceeded CCO trng reqmt's--vital support/info for 15 CCO warfighters
- Fueled 712 scheduled/unscheduled mx tasks; ushered 31 engineer dispositions--key to 5.6K sorties/7.5K flt hrs Thanks! - Led trng on legal authorities; boosted efficiency/applied real-world experiences--PK members deplymnt ready
- Developed FAAC Brief; defined Manpowers requirement determinates role--no confusion; succinct info, - Developed innovative cross-training program & self-managed work atmosphere--improved employee productivity 95% EPR bullets are typically written by a person's supervisor or commanding officer, and are meant to highlight the individual's specific accomplishments and contributions to . - Administered Cope Retreat contract--improved family morale--crucial to maintain Air Force family structure
Led $40M SABER effort; 100+ projects/$8M executed for EoY--facilitated 100% of CES projects
- Trained 40 HCP on profile process; provided 10 hours of instruction; decreased documentation errors by 10% Completed 36+ hrs of Performance Based Service Awds, CCO, & SBA training
- #1 of 16 troopsRecognized as "AMN of the Qtr" for OO-ALC/PKO's 2nd Qtr--dedication is second to none
- Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities In this case, they cut in half the time it takes for their unit to process and handle manifests. - Bolstered HEDC COOP phase II; pvd'd mission critical IT server support--$4.6mil savings realized by AFMC, - Branch lead for 19 BPA's and 8 org's; simplified customer ordering process--product to end user 112% faster
- Oversaw $3.5M CE simplified construction contract; 21 delivery orders--directly improved 25 base facilities
- Groomed 14 mbr f/success; 9 PD session/6 NCO rdy f/ unlimited board--tm won 6 Wg awds/4 cmd coin/2x Tm OTQ, - Hand picked by CONS CC for AF-level testing of DoD-wide contracting database--provided superior analysis
As the Defense Health Agency takes over management of U.S. Air Force military treatment facilities, they will also be developing and executing a high reliability journey through the brand name, Ready Reliable Care.High reliability activities and processes will continue as the Air Force partners with the DHA in our handoff of HRO activities for the MTFs they manage. - Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals - Executed 3 emergency change orders for $375K; fixed 33 latrine/shower unit elect hzrds--ensured 3K trp safety
- Guided road restorations; $9.2M/11thoroughfares overhauled--fulfilled traffic standards/disability compliance rqmt's
- Champion healthy lifestyle changes! Individuals at Air Force Materiel Command have multiple options to learn about Continuous Process Improvement led by members . - Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals - Bolstered Hungarian vocabulary; devised bilingual guide/taught class--tools used during multi-national TDY, - Completed Finance crs; org'd four briefings/taught basic financial classes--provided sound advice to 15 amn, - Completed Here's to your Health crs; earned three CCAF credit hrs--three classes shy from Log Mgmt degree, - Completed Public Speaking class; earned 3 credits hrs/held 3.4 GPA--awarded CCAF Logistics Mgmt degree, - Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge, - Strives for professional development; completed Mentorship & Counseling crs--increased ldrshp/supervision aptitude, - Strives for self-improvement; completed "Perceptions" equal opportunity course--increased followership skills, - Hard charger! Earned 9 graduate credits toward Master's degree in Educational Leadership--maintn'd 4.0 GPA, - Driven to succeed! - Managed 22 extremely active medical services contracts, resulting in a very well run medical facility