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Employee handbook (also know as employee manual or staff handbook) is a document which defines a company's key policies and procedures and outlines its company culture. text-align: center; font-size: 16px; } position: relative; color: #fff; .sdg-wrapper .mob-ver, } } width: 7%; .dgfs-footer .explore {padding-left: 55px; margin-top: 20px; transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;} .sdg-wrapper .report-content span { display: none; } If a dispute or conflict arises, you can refer to the handbook to confirm whether a team member has acted out of line and find an appropriate resolution or consequence. Were bold. margin: 0; border-color: #6bc5c6; text-align: center; .dgfs-footer .divider {top: 10px;} margin-left: 10px;} line-height: 1.5; @media (min-width:1100px) { Netflixs employee handbookis particularly worth mentioning because it clearly defines company culture and principles while making them actionable. width: 21.7%; float: left; <>
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; Sign In. position: relative; ul li.section2.double-box { Also called employee manuals, staff handbooks, and employee guides, there are several interchangeable terms for these critical resources. } Nordstroms employee handbook consists ofone simple rule, Use good judgment in all situations. While this doesnt capture all the information a company may need to convey, we admire the brevity and simplicity. #globalMessages, <>
Dress professionally but be you. The employee handbook should be made available to new hires in a quick and accessible format, and it should be equally simple for current employees to access it when needed. } The most common Superdrug email format is [first]. Fingers crossed and good luck! 0000000016 00000 n
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Employee Handbook Template - Word & PDF Available as PDF or Word Doc download Completely free - no credit card required Updated with new policies and language Get the Template Handbook Basics What needs to go in your handbook Most handbooks lack a balance between culture and policy. Topics ranging from standards of performance and workplace conduct to grievance issues and disciplinary procedures fall into this section. position: absolute; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #434343 0%,#000000 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */ This supports an important purpose for your employee handbook: to help employees understand your companys mission and values. Superdrug Stores plc (trading as Superdrug) is a health and beauty retailer in the United Kingdom, and the second largest behind Boots UK. opacity: .7; } .parallax-effect h1 { -webkit-border-radius: 60px; Dollar General. } } min-height: 184px; Our employee handbook template will help you include your company's most important information. padding-bottom: 8rem; padding: 15px 0; left: 108px; .csr-statement .quotation-mark-top { padding: 2px 2px 2px 0; } position: absolute; An employee handbook acknowledgement form is a document that employees sign to signify they have read, understand, and will comply with everything contained in the employee handbook. 9 0 obj
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}`A2DEIM*. .csr-team-content p, padding: 35px 0 30px 0; padding: 5px; position: absolute; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .community-icon { float: none; Employers need to create this handbook to make everything clear for their employees. .facts-figures li { } } filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#000000', endColorstr='#000000', GradientType=1); .sdg-wrapper .sdg-aside-menu a { background: transparent; Employee Comments. width: 100%; .sdg-wrapper .sdg-box-40 li:nth-child(2n) { Its important to confirm which policies you are required to inform your employees of, and you can do so through sources such as your state labor department, your legal counsel, and the U.S. Department of Labor. `position: relative; 6 0 obj
.csr-content-box a.read-more-button:hover { The document is given to all new starters to ensure onboarding best practices are met. padding-bottom: 4rem; background: url("https://media.superdrug.com/medias/custom-content/projects/2018/CSR/Our-Community-read-more-button.png") no-repeat 95% center; font-size: 14px; Here is the basic information to include in this template: Employment Basics This is the most informative part of the handbook. background: #000; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; For more information and general recruitment queries please click here for our FAQ's. font-size: 20px; Each employee your company hires brings unique experiences, perspectives, and education to their role and your organization. .csr-content-box a:hover img { 30% on own brand 10% of the rest. } .sdg-wrapper .am-header { .csr-statement img.representative-face { } color: #fff; } 0000016199 00000 n
Providing your handbook to new employees should be a priority step in your onboarding process. /* OUR PLANET */ 0000001908 00000 n
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} /* OUR PEOPLE */ } .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li.go-back-home p, background: #f17f91; font-size: 14px; Your employee handbook should cover topics that help employees have positive day-to-day working experiences such as details on your dress code, vacation time, and mission statement as well as those that help them understand their (and your companys) legal obligations, like state laws, federal laws, health insurance, and equal employment opportunity, among others. The clickable table of contents enables readers to find and refer back to the information they need at their convenience. .dgfs-footer .community .back-target {font-size: 15px; padding-left: 24px;} <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
.background-news:before { background-size: cover; Get the latest resources delivered right to your inbox. .sdg-wrapper .sdg-top-menu { z-index: 6; Employee Handbooks SHRM offers two options for creating an Employee Handbook for your company: a free sample template, or a premium, customizable online service. Cons. .sdg-wrapper .sdg-box-40 li { } margin-right: 18px; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#434343', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ display: none; width: 8%; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .community-icon {left: 34%;} } font-weight: 600; position: relative; } height: 78%; .sdg-wrapper .csr-intro { 0000016842 00000 n
The company gives its handbook to its employees, generally requiring them to read it completely, to help ensure employees understand the company's rules, regulations, and benefits. Beyond these practical needs, a thoughtfully developed employee handbook shows new hires that you prioritize them. /* INTRO */ An employee handbook is an internal document shared with new hires on their first day. This article will help you fix that. } padding-top: 0px!important; Hubspot also puts its handbook on SlideShare, demonstrating its commitment to transparency. .csr-statement .quotation-mark-bottom { x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R
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.top-header { /* hamburger menu */ The merge request feature enables anyone to suggest improvements or add clarifications, and the issues option is for asking questions. padding-bottom: 20px; p.fact-number::before, Facebooks employee handbook(now Meta) was so well-designed that it could resemble a fancy coffee table book. border-radius: 3px; .csr-community-content .read-more-button { One of the best ways to ensure that all employees are operating under the same policies and procedures is to review the employee handbook when questions arise. } width: 41px; A Full-Time Employee regularly works at least 35 hours per week PartTime Employee A Part-Time Employee regularly works less than 35 hours per week but no less than 17 hours per week. background: #9c98cb; .csr-statement .desktop-view, It can contain information about working hours, dress code, employee conduct, vacation, and more. An Employee Handbook saves a lot of time and prevents many uncertainties on both sides it's a great thing to have as a staple in your business. margin: 16rem -4px -6px -4rem; } Errors in company policies, even when policies are repeated in the handbook, can lead to HR or legal complications down the line. transform: rotate(20deg); .sdg-wrapper ul.sdg-aside-menu { Maintaining an updated source of this information in your handbook gives employees the freedom to reference it at their own leisure and pace. Plenty of business owners and managers resort to a quick Google search to find a free employee handbook. Take a look at the roles available at Superdrug. margin: 14px 8px; height: 50px; We nurture and develop talent across all of our teams and are grateful to all of our colleagues for their time and energy and we are proud to have such an incredible Superdrug family. background: #000; .sdg-wrapper .you-video a.ytp-watermark, Our CSR plan is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and this website will keep you updated with the latest news which is affecting our colleagues, our customers and our community. .superdrug-values .icons li:hover span { 7 0 obj
.sdg-ownbrandnav e2-navigation-bar-banner .navigation-banner__title {color: #fff;} } padding: 20px; } /* NEWS SECTION*/ left: 7%; border-radius: 50%; with the employee details (IT systems etc) Manager/IB Organise/prepare to deliver basic life support training Manager/IB Book a place on the next induction event via L&OD Manager/IB Ensure relevant documentation is available e.g copies of relevant policies, employee handbook etc Manager Identify any annual leave requirements Manager Share with us what youve done and your experience. 2. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\
$FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= background: url("https://media.superdrug.com/medias/custom-content/projects/2020/CSR/Footer_Our_community_icon.png") no-repeat; We love our brand! .sdg-wrapper .csr-our-products { margin: auto; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li.go-back-workplace, .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li.go-back-marketplace p, Font-Family: 'Roboto ', sans-serif ; Sign In plenty of business owners and managers resort a... * OUR PLANET * / An employee handbook is An internal Document shared with new hires that prioritize! ; s most important information search to find a free employee handbook shows new hires that you them. The brevity and simplicity, and education to their role and your organization: 20px ; Each your! 10 % of the rest. Each employee your company & # x27 ; s most important.. Dollar General. OUR employee handbook company also conducts random drug screenings opacity:.7 ; }.parallax-effect {! 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