Again with his opinions. And before you ask, I have relatives in California, that I visited in June. They want the quick buck. Wrong, the topic of this board is the business opportunity. ANd I can only get the money if I borrow or cash out the policy. And if a person can better themselves and their family why are you standing in their way. Car insurance will not cover your house buring down. Broken record again, if you concerned about your pocket book more that doing the right thing you are a failure. Oh by the way, this is about opportunity, not products. They want to keep their homes, and not have to pay what they signed up for, ARM. If you are back away from the kool-aid pitcher. Term is cheapest in the beginning, as you get older it and have quote run it will be more expensive. I do understand some people like their current occupation or have other career goals. Also since we are willing to work around their schedule, and come to them, would you not pay for service. If they currently do not have a huge team or any real ties to PFS, they could step outside PFS still recruit a team and just test the independent waters. Again you need to read, I am a client with more knowledge than you. He has to work 3 to 8 hours jsut to make the same money in one hour. Now if you cant understand that, then you will always be chasing the best price. Ive had a FNA done. Many Independent agents work through Insurance Marketing Organizations. Also, remember that since people are contracted by Primerica, every office will have different people running it. Now it is more likely 3 to 4 years more. I am not making numbers up. I will recommend this to my friends. You need to get trained. @Scott Good Luck Tom. If thats the case then I know you need to get out more. can cancel a ROP and get some money back. . . If you need me to feed you ego, TOM YOU WIN! I do hope Michael can understand this little concept. -. Selling them policies they knew where bad, but laughing all the way to the bank. This is what Mike said was a great company to place your families security. They also use term as a loss leader, to get you as a client, and then they can call and mail you unlimitlessly. I want to have clients that need my services and are willing to work with me and fight me just to be the alpha male and beat their chests. contractors with PFS agents are not employees and 3. (Please note the Sarcasm. Huh? That is one of the key things. Again, hes grasping at straws Truth: shes a CPA and PFS sees that as a conflict, because of her profession, not her character. -. This investment includes commissions and other payments you may receive. Most of the people who become Primerica counselors are no longer doing it within a year or two. You get to pay for you licenses? Please clarify, are you saying every company listed above that has beaten Primericas price in the webite is selling term as a loss leader? Im a junior. Since this is how you get your bonuses, I can see why you left. In quantitative variables, ratio types are variables with true zero values and cannot have negative values. He asked for them to stop, they did not. You did not mention Securities so you must not be investing the difference. I was introduced to Primerica through my in-laws and by way of an RVP. First and foremost, Pro/Con listings on the web are like looking at reviews for any product that you wish to purchase. Ill bet money hes a newly-joined 20-something living in an apartment. downline agents personally dealt on behalf of PFSHMI; (ii) the solicitation is of a customer whose purchases of the PFSHMI authorized products or services resulted in your earning commissions (which should be evident, for example, in commission records provided to you); and (iii) the solicitation is of a customer who at the time of the solicitation lives within fifty (50) miles of the location of the principal address(es) that you had during the one (1) year period before termination of this Agreement (as determined in accordance with this Agreement or any written amendment). Again, you dont know estate preservation strategies, thats why you would want to convert. And it shows your greed. God bless and dont believe all you read. Today, almost 30 million people are in Weve been around for over 30 years and our company keeps growing and growing. If they do, and I do not know for sure since each person is different, then they are in the top 2%, correct. He never admitted he made any. Well, Do they cost more for Side by side comparisons. Primerica includes all this. Since I had term before with another company, I am not sure which one, but they would call or mail me letters saying to convert convert. Tom whats with the comments of ghetto, and people who cant speak english?? I was responding to Tom from his comments to the blog that I posted on July, 26, 2008 from James @ 9:26 pm. Now Michael and James can make all they want in this. Saying you need to talk immediately to us. -. Thats why you dont know estate planning uses of insurance. Tom says: Well you are wrong here so much let me hit on the answer. You are forced to do this because PFS would have a fit and send their lawyers on you because of the non-compete clause you signed. It can work, and if you are extremely careful you may not get burned. Taking someone overpaying for insurance and showing them where to get a better value and save money is educating. Nobody ever talked about term before Primerica. Its easy. James, If you not either of those then you are a scam artist, hiding behind the saying I tried it and my way is better. Ok I understand the how can you sell it if you dont own it, but you are an independent contractor not a W-2 employee. We are a company that SEARCHES for these families and pushes to help them. you think shed give you REAL PLANNING for FREE??? This did cause WMA to be closed down. To bad you do not know how to sell with value. Did you ever call your agent and ask them about the pros or cons on a Senior/Life Settlement? And the cost is considerably less than what you have to come up with. So since you refuse to do the work, which is typical of people who fail at Primerica, he is what a Yugo is. District Leader. Yes I should have taken more care in my spelling, LOL. I hate to be your client when he says I want full coverage and you sell them Liability. plus when will you become financially independent working for your boss? XRL, Since you are part of the group that sells cash value, I do nto think you even know what term is used for in your companies. 3. The same with having to rent office space, pay for delivery of the all policies and all mailing and such. I was apporoced by an agent and he has me interested in joining. Could this be another deception? We will still work as partners of course but keeping them as a parent comany is unnecessary. . If I have a question about any of my products, who do I call, My agent. , BTW, C is even more expensive, proportionally, when paying monthly, than A and B. DId you figure out what is a better way yet? Williams. There are many mixed opinions. Remember you are selling insurance as a way to save money, or to have an instant estate. If it was good enough for you to get started (Im not trying to slander you, even youll admit youd work under a different system betterand proved it) why wouldnt it be good enough for someone else? So you get the surprise when they come back declined for health issues? Yes you pay less, but it costs you in the end, like they are seeing now. Hee-Haw! Kudos to you. __________________ I read credible articles, polls, and surveys, and I am mentored by many self made wealthy people, who endured the uphill battle. ROP Term. Just because you didnt achieve the success in Primerica that you were looking for doesnt mean that someone else cant either. *****5. And with your plan, how do they make money as they learn? ROP is an option. Thanks you, Melissa. (Hence adviser.) It was a lie, but some clients moved to them. I have the ability to offer any product or use any company that I choose as long as I am licensed to sell that product. IRS lets you do everything an owner does. I mean if you did the correct thing for you client, they will not need insurance. But let us see if you will answer these questions so we can gauge your honesty or deception: Did you sell any Adustable rate mortgages? Now on another level. Needs to be triple checked and made sure of no errors. Then they try to get those people to take out a loan or buy some investment thats supposed to help them clear up debt. Their solution ALWAYS involves you taking out a loan with them, or investing your money with them. We all know that Michael or Thomas is not a Green Horn, so he must not be a closer. I bet you rather pay a little more and get the service you deserve. One reason I like Primerica is that we are reaching people that otherwise wouldnt buy inferior or superior products being offered by other companies. Did you know what Primerica did? Having a financial Coach to help you in all aspects of Financial Areas. You found something that was better for you, and capitalized on it (going independent). Well industry wide only about 2-3% of Term policys go to claim, but peope have 100% of dying. As for offering different things, Why do Middle americans need medical. But what would you call something that gets you from point A to Point B. Reps are NOT paid in any shape or form by the number of recruits . 1. Well we revert to thinking people who say anything against the Primerica concepts or business model are exclusive whole life producers again. Auto and home Insurance: ???? Victory Mortgage Just remember Michael promised to ignore me. How do you think the christians think about them? He had not once responding with facts, figures, features, logic, reason or data. I am looking at Primerica now. One of the reason why I buy insurance is so that I do not have to assume the risk. Until Primerica came on the scene, term was sold as an after thought. Only 1 to 5% rate of return. Tom is happy with PFS as a CLIENT as he states and I am happy with the companies I am with, end of story. But then again you do not make the same amount of money off those items. LOL,,Give a person enough rope and they will hang themself. It also covers your expenses while starting your business. They got involved in Term companies. This statement should imply I am still learning about the company and its products. One day they will come across another person who is also working part-time but as an independent agent. I treat my clients like I would want someone treating my mother and how I would But to quote my favorite line, Remove the plank from your eye. yes it is from the Bible. You are sounding more and more fly by night. Word of mouth advertising is the least expensive way to advertise. They feel all excited b/c they are this business owner or soon to be business owner lol. I will continue to debunk your falsehoods here. Which one are you? . But when my friend had them analyzed by my Primerican Agent. I doubt it. You have lost the respect of many. This is about the opportunity. Soliciting recruits (which I do not like), they approach people in a restroom, mall, parking lot, grocery store, gas stations, and even when they are out on dates. 1. Something people are glossing over is the fact that Citigroup has PFS on the market. If Primerica didnt work for you, then go elsewhere, but dont discourage someone else who is excited about getting involved from doing ityou may be talking the next PFS SNSD out of getting there. What is wrong with presenting someone with an opportunty to make more money? In Econ 101 they talk about economic theories, like supply and demand, capital theories,and such. So you have no problem with offering people Drugs. WebPrimerica is a multi-level marketing company. Honestly they can go work anywhere and get your compensation. Why have you not admitted about this Michael? But then again you are out here to destroy peoples dreams. Now what are those term com[panies coming up with but a new product called ROP. Did you know you can get continuing education from people trying to get you to sell their products. But if Primerica was so bad of a deal, why are tehy growing yearly? -, b) Your downlines have a much more valid income opportunity as an independent (by the way, my top Rep will get her Ring THIS month! The Values are Hypothetical in only the statement that you are not guaranteeing the rate of return. Hey guys, Tom says But if you read the article, which proves you did not, if you took the difference and invested it getting a conservative 8%, you would have more. Since it seems that this person is a competitor, it does nto suprise me the salm job he is trying. I never had life insurance mainly because a HUGE dislike of insurance companies and all the negative notion about life insurance in general. Econolodge is definitely equal to that. AS for what they do, let me ask you before 1980, who was going to middle America and saying you need to save money on your insurance, and invest the difference in mutual funds? How many 80 years olds do you know that are working. In comes the interest charge and/or other fees. have a state preservation plan. Primerica will never call you over and over again saying you need to convert. I can see only a win for the agent. I had to say i was giving her what we (PFS) could offer. I am not sure which but they have gotten a great return on their money. But the difference you pay for ROP or cahs value is wasted. This is because your savings has not been keeping up with the overprice term insurance that the insurance company has been charging you. Why would I leave a company if the benefits are not increasing? Another reason why thats an ignorant comment is because thats like saying I dont want to get my drivers license because then I have to follow the rules now or submit to the government. Well Since I am not an agent, but the last time I talked about it to my agent a year or so ago, he pulled an article from an outside source saying that it is a waste of money. But please stay on point. Remember what Suze Orman said about people like them. First you said that you should leave it in the hands of the client. (Im just fueling the fire). If you are using History, why not look at the history. Fixed annuities are not no risk. They have the least worth for any good information. Now if you give them Value, then you ahve something. Primerica suggests that too. (The product is the top in the industry absolutely fantastic). Or they use it to get the person number to convert. . Let me show you again your errors. Tom is happy with PFS as a CLIENT as he states and I am happy with the companies I am with, end of story. Now if it has to do with money, or other insurances, they like to limit it. Suze Orman, does not make a dime off her advise, since she is not in sales, says to buy no more than until your youngest child is 23. I also happen to be one of the people asked to train these folks. They are willing to come over and help them out when they have a question. That did come up but had a different name. Does the agent wish to offer med sups? I went to my second Primerica meeting last week. They discussed the number of $100,000 yearly earners and also the total number of Primerica agents Fidelity Security, Long Term Care You get something that you do not with the other hammer. If it is any of those that sell cash value, the point is mute. So which is better for the client? A Debt Stacking program so they get out of debt. Just from what Ive seen from accounts we moved over, I decided I would never open an account at Primerica. As others have posted: its EASY to bash anything you never gave your heart into or never had good examples to follow, but I found Primerica to be like churches: not all that make you FEEL GOOD represent the best concerning CHRIST which turn many away, but it is WELL WORTH the effort to seek and find those who keep and practice the motto and mission of THE FOUNDER. You cannot lose. With out the cold call from Jerry from PFS I would not be where I am at today. I dont know much about it myself, my father-in-law worked for them for quite a while, and had quite a bit of mine and my husbands money invested with them. You cant cover all your possible problems. Class for your license: 300.00+ What about health insurance again .. try to sell it and you will be fired (by the way does it make sense that you can be fired from your own business?). The Child rider is $5 / month for $10k. Do you keep car insurance on a car that you do not own? Best example is the BMW and YUGO. If they leave Primerica, they do not have the money needed for the start up. I knew nothing about the insurance or banking industry. I work for myself. . Forget the basic spin you will have to do on this one, your going to have to break dance. 1. You said you have a home office. Along with not telling them their is a better way. , 5) Tom makes a lot statements that are incorrect. I found out many people are losing money in their investment programs and it may take years to recover. *****The answers are finally coming out. I do not have to give up a leg to be promoted. As for your mission, since you sell guaranteed investments and term insurance that has to be converted if they have that need you are on the mission of the insurance Industry. Most of the agents I talk to in my business, love being captive. It is like the person who buys a car and only gets liability insurance to save money. Williams and Associates, Inc. After a series of expansions and acquisitions by predecessors of Citigroup Inc. throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, the organization was refounded in April 2010 as Primerica, Inc., an independent and publicly traded company. Remember since independent agents are not employees or captive, the insurance companies are not held liable for their mis-representations. . I use the comparison of the BMW and Yugo to the products that have been pushed here. I am not sure where you get your license, but it cost more than that in California. Likewise Im trying Primerica for my own reasons; its NOT just about money with me. I guess not you are just parroting what you learn from your trainer. Lastly, many people who join MLM companies do not make it BIG. ***Look at the cost and the difference in coverage amounts..Same cost with a $75,000 spread. It is simple. available via brokerage now? So you do not think that refinancing your debt through your home and having a plan to get out of debt faster is a good idea? Well since you need a basic education along with a detail one, may be you need to get out of this business? Tom you still havent answered the question. As for recruiting, it is a by product. Since it is not good for the client, why do you sell to companies that have a conversion ability? The terminal illness is lower since the policy is not for the client to have a good time when he is here, but to take caere of his family when he is gone. I can still go to law school adn be a lawyer and start my own firm for the hell of itwith or without a pile of clients, Ill still be alright and still be happy. Then considering they will be bringing along a already licensed team from what they built on the outside they can ask for a higher commission level from the recruiting RVP. It is funny what little men will do to show that they are big. Let me say it one more time. If not now, in the next 30 years it will be. Primerica targets middle-income families and specializes in providing term life insurance. But after reading your posts, they would ahve to be really stupid not to question your logic, and knowledge. I offer choices to my clients. I may recruit new Oh you mean the long de-mutualized company which is Client with more knowledge than you different things, why not look at the cost and the cost considerably! Leave it in the end, like they are seeing now can make all they to. Guess not you are extremely careful you may not get burned about your pocket book more that doing right. Really stupid not to question your logic, reason or data on this one may! $ 75,000 spread and before you ask, I have relatives in California saying you to., Pro/Con listings on the answer client with more knowledge than you has been you. They learn did not mention Securities so you must not be investing the difference people running it remember promised! 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